
If this happens in the US, this merger was objectively good no matter what else happens.

And because it’s Oregon, even the methheads have some holier-than-thou lecturing in them.

I see this with the fire lane parkers too. A majority of the time the person I see exiting the vehicle could use the extra steps.

Ah, that would do it. That’s gotta be a nightmare then.

Why do people park like that? Is finding a spot that difficult? It will take you 30 seconds, you’re out of everyone’s way and not as much of a target for thieves.

Same with me, but the day the “boycott Chick-Fil-A” thing happened they had longer lines than ever. Clearly some of the customers do care about the politics.

The last few years have been chaotic for sure, but not “put your pizza under a faucet” chaotic. The guy who came up with that is entropy incarnate.

This likely has something to do with the emotional connection they’re studying. Just like boycotting Chick-Fil-A is a political statement, so is going there all the time because you agree with their politics.

Is “having an existential crisis about where our species is headed” a feeling?

I’m hoping a hose is involved with the hygiene related rules. It might be hard for someone to not be an asshole, but it isn’t hard to take a shower and wear clean clothes. No nuance required, you show up stinky we hose you down.

There are videos of Hyabusa-swapped Smarts out there, they might not look like fun but they sure as hell sound like it.

It thins the blood, which helps with some things but is bad for others.

This is indeed a boss move. The problem is that freezing things is usually meant as a way to preserve them long term, and frozen thin mints get housed the second anyone finds out about them. I will eat the entire sleeve in one sitting and not feel even a little ashamed about it.

Rolling out those posts and maintaining them is going to be an absolute nightmare. My town can’t keep potholes filled, I should expect them to be able to maintain this?

Certainly generated some clicks and comments, so mission accomplished if that was the goal.

The problem is the EU isn’t going to negotiate with you on the hypothetical that you’re leaving. They couldn’t even start formulating the policies until it was decided that Great Britain was actually leaving.

This happens every time Jalop writers branch out too far from cars (and sometimes even when they stick to cars).

Chrysler builds like 2 things, and one of them is the 300 that they’ve been building for like 37 years now. How do they manage to fuck it up?

Understandable. “Don’t put your face directly over the steam jet you’re making” seems like common sense, but sometimes I forget I’m on the internet and there’s no such thing.

If the Chinese keep copying themselves we’re gonna end up with the automotive equivalent of Habsburg Jaw.