
If they already bought it outright that makes sense, I was under the impression most car dealers essentially have a loan on most of their inventory and they pay monthly for as long as it sits around. In that case they’d be motivated to make a deal so they can stop throwing good money after bad.

Not one Subaru in the list? That brand exists for the exact use case of “2 people and a dog want to go do outdoors stuff”.

This reminds me of a video I saw on YouTube. Camera was stuck up in some birds’ nest over months while they raised the chicks. There were 3 chicks, and 1 of them was obviously not developing at the pace of the other two. One day, momma bird makes the decision to evict the runt in gruesome fashion by pecking it and

I wanna know how much cash was on the hood of those Darts and Patriots. Those were not great vehicles, but at the right price they sure beat walking.

And I was born in ‘86, right when things started to improve.

Growing up in Upstate NY, the garage was essentially a massive fridge for ~5 months a year. Very convenient for large family get togethers (when that was a thing), you could leave a lot of food in the garage since the fridge isn’t big enough for everything.

The Popeye’s closest to me still runs out of the sandwich 50% of the time I try to get it. I’m always disappointed for like 10 seconds until I realize I’m now just gonna get fried chicken instead and that’s arguably the better choice to begin with.

Mk7 Golf R.

Unkillable LEDs are one of my biggest tech pet peeves. How are we this far along and manufacturers don’t understand that people keep these things in their bedrooms where a bright ass LED at night is unacceptable?

Who could do such a thing (abandonment) to a Golf? I am outraged!

As someone still keto-adjacent (not trying to lose weight right now so I’m not strict about it), a big ass plate of beef and some veggies is a perfectly cromulent meal.

If your neighbors are that judgemental, I don’t think any fully ICE-powered land barge is going to appease them. That the new one will be maybe 5mpg better isn’t going to win any hearts and minds, you need a Tesla or you’re literally murdering polar bears in your free time.

I know a lot of people with aftermarket turbos and every last one of them can at least tell you how much power it SHOULD make. No one does this to a car and just has no clue about what the end state is supposed to be.

I appreciate the mindset that chrome is tacky so let’s just electric blue all that stuff instead.

Exactly, if they’re improving fuel efficiency it’s because the Feds made them do it, the customers for these things do not care.

There’s a happy medium though, and my VW has it. I have a moderately sized touch screen that supports Android Auto (which is incredible), lots of options that you use rarely are buried somewhere in the touchscreen. Things like acknowledging TPMS warnings and changing the clock are in there.

“Fail” is such a strong word for VW electronics. They rarely outright fail, they just get more eccentric the older they get.

It really is though, everyone follows the laws of thermodynamics. You cannot gain weight without a surplus of calories, and you can’t lose it without a deficit.

I lived in Syracuse NY for 10 years. No particular stories stand out, every winter there is hell on earth. Lake effect snow is a real motherfucker, it can be nice all day and if the wind changes direction over the lake you can get a few feet of snow in a matter of hours.

Probably not far from the truth, the Suzukis I saw puttering around town didn’t look like they had 10 years of wear on them.