
This is solved with the proper transmission.

Right. You can point out that obesity causes all kinds of health issues, including increased risk of death from COVID, without making any personal judgements about someone.

Agreed. I think there’s confusion over the beauty vs health element. Beauty is subjective, you can be beautiful regardless of how much you weigh. Health is not subjective, being obese is unhealthy.

Sadly no. Apparently there are “safety regulations” that it has to pass, our government hates fun.

You can lose weight just by eating less though. I lost ~40 pounds over ~6 months with almost no exercise, just counted calories, planned my meals and stuck to it. If you want to increase the “calories out” half, walking is free and safe. So are pushups, squats, lunges, etc. You can find something heavy at your house,

I think that point can be made without personally attacking the guy.

I just want to take this moment to say that I visited my family recently and they have a real life Suzuki dealership in their town. It is the primary marque on their advertising, despite the fact that from what I can tell Suzuki has not sold a new car in the US since 2012. There were a lot of pickups on the lot, not

Yup, light parts combined with very very short stroke. It’s also why revvy Japanese engines typically don’t produce much torque relative to displacement, more stroke = more torque. Think of any lever you’ve used, longer lever creates more torque if all other factors are equal.

That’s actually my point. The interval being 10k doesn’t stop the dealer from saying “See you in 5k”. They don’t care whether the car needs to be serviced or not, only whether or not they can convince me to pay for service.

When you can’t convince someone they need new oil every 3,000 miles you miss the opportunity to upsell them on a lot of other services they don’t need.

Garlic bread is a good hack for just about any savory sandwich. Butter and garlic go with everything.

My sister has a Volt, she used it for a long road trip a couple years ago. She stopped at several Chevy dealers to charge up when they were close to a restaurant or something, and more than 1 dealer had to get a forklift to get shit out of the 1 Volt charging spot they had on site.

If you think making cars “more French” is going to help sales I think the egg nog you’re drinking has turned, but since none of my own money is at stake I say let’s try it anyways.

Yeah but does the Hyundai have 2 (2!) spoilers? I thought not.

Yeah this is a “never meet your heroes” situation. The progress over the last 2 decades has been incredible, some really basic modern cars that have no sporting pretensions will be faster than sporty cars from the 80s/90s. You can get a Camry with 300hp from the factory now, it wasn’t that long ago that 300hp was

The contract itself is confidential, so who knows what the money is actually for. That’s one explanation though.

If he’s being paid to do it, it’s work. Being paid is literally the difference between being an amateur and being a pro. Amateurs typically don’t have contracts with things like revenue sharing from YouTube channels in them.

“Boy, tensions in the neighborhood are at an all time high after Saturday’s truck-borrowing incident. Good thing I have this contract, some lawyers and court proceedings are bound to bring harmony back to the cul-de-sac.”

Yup, that works too. At some point, the effort of managing all of this is way more than it’s worth to preserve a beater truck. If something goes horribly wrong you’re out a beater truck and you learned a valuable lesson about what kind of neighbors you have, seems pretty low risk to me.

Agreed. Tom’s plan makes more sense, just have someone buy/register/insure it themselves and everyone else gets to rent it for some small fee when they need it.