
Mk 7 R owner here, and you’re right from the R owners I know. All of us could afford an S3, and either wanted a hatchback or manual (or both) and Audi wouldn’t sell us one so we have an R.

It’s a solid 10% more than the last one. It might be 10% more car, but I do think they’re approaching a limit on what people are willing to pay for a hatchback with a VW badge on it.

Thanks, I didn’t think you were trying to rain on my parade. At 180+ pounds your journey was probably a good bit longer than mine, I always value input from people with that kind of experience. Good job btw, that is a seriously impressive thing to pull off.

I guess it depends on what you mean by “sustained”. I lost 40 pounds over 6 months doing it, and have maintained my weight since then. When I was actively trying to lose weight I was strict keto, <20g carbs a day. I eat more carbs than that now and I’m not striving for 24/7 ketosis anymore, but there are definitely

Republicans haven’t been free marketers for at least 20 years, probably longer. They just want to control the market in different ways than Democrats, neither party believes in letting us sort it out for ourselves.


Another example of this is that a lot of stuff sold as “bread” here cannot be sold as “bread” elsewhere because it contains too much sugar. What we use to make sandwiches would have to be sold as “cake” in a lot of places.

Keep in mind they’re owned by the Chinese now, they do not share the same innate moose fear that Swedes have.

I was thinking something along the lines of a moose cannon, I’m pretty sure I can make the velocity happen but the “turning” and “avoiding other moose” bits are still TBD.

Am I allowed to use explosives or are we hung up on doing this “naturally”?


So the new laws sound bad for some farmers, good for other farmers, and very good for anyone who has to buy food in India. Plentiful, affordable food is important when you have nearly 1.5 billion people to feed, even if it means some farmers go out of business. Cheap food and cheap energy are how you get large amounts


You get used to it. When I travel back to the east coast it feels like I’m walking through soup.

Most desert or high-desert places do OK for allergens. Not as many plants live and those that do tend to share a season.

Great, now I’m gonna have to go kill my own horses to make meatballs. What is the world coming to.

At least yours lived through the ordeal. I’ve read stories where they cross-threaded the bolt and just ugga-chugga’d it on anyways, which fucked the threads. Bolt fell out as soon as the car started moving, catastrophic engine failure due to total lack of oil.

Nah you’ll have to manually remove your roof and throw it into traffic like some kind of poor person.

I’m upset that he took it to Jiffy Lube.

You know you fucked up when VW’s have simpler routine maintenance.