
Sounds like the R32 is his most reliable VW, which is terrifying.

Jim Schwartz has been in football his entire life and he still doesn’t know that saying “hey you aren’t as good as this other guy” to a top pro athlete is going to piss him off?

I’d bet that’s because the PS3 had enough horsepower to just emulate the PS1 purely via software, just needed to be able to read the discs. It could not do that with the PS2 games, so for the original PS3s that could do PS2 compatibility its because there was a bunch of PS2 hardware in there (in addition to the new

The whole thing is just so pointless. We all know that PCs are superior to both of the major consoles, no need to bicker over 2nd place.

Potatoes a little too far gone for eating can still be used to make booze, just don’t tell The Man about it.

I agree there are pockets where it makes sense.

I read that last name as “Teabutt” and thought it was hilariously British.

In my part of Colorado, it’s rare that snow tires would help me all that much. Golf R for reference.

What do you propose as a solution?

I’d like to know why everyone thinks high speed rail is such a good idea in the US.

That’s what happened with me and the Golf R after I took it from stock to ~460whp. The fear wasn’t as much about my own safety (AWD keeps it mostly composed) as the fear of blowing the entire thing up. If you drop it to 4th at highway speed and hammer it it will still crabwalk a little bit as it sorts out traction,

They stole from the owners and should have to make them whole again.

My experiences have been good, and that’s with a heavily modified Golf R.

It’s not an argument, it is science. In fact, the very science used then the lockdowns started. “2 weeks to flatten the curve” was used way back when this all started. Here we are 10 months later still trying to flatten it.

What about David Tracy flying to Europe to fix an old van was “reasonable”?

Grandma might not make it till next Thanksgiving regardless of what I do. The choice is whether I’d be OK with the last time I saw her being the last or not.

“Their house, their rules” is a really bad take. You have the same logic when backwards countries stone a woman to death because they think she had pre-marital sex? Their house, their rules.

This was really the bigger story than whatever Ghosn did, at least to me. I always viewed Japan as a developed, civilized country.

Can’t expect much else, when Splinter was still around the level of analysis there wasn’t much better and those people were “professionals”.

The site has gone from a car blog with occasional political commentary into a political blog with occasional car commentary.