
Any word on whether these caterpillars were offered their own milkweed leaf first and said “nah, I’m not really hungry, I’ll just nibble on yours”.

Very good point. “Let people enjoy things” is good advice in most walks of life.

I’m assuming no Wisconsinites saw you do this since you lived to tell the tale.

The major roadblock that the GOP refuses to give an inch on is massive stimulus for states with pension debt. That has nothing to do with COVID, and yet Nancy is dead-set that they get that money or nothing gets passed.

Could be. I did keto for weight loss last year (it worked, lost 40 pounds) and this wasn’t on my radar. I cut out fast food though (fries too tempting) so even if it was available I probably wouldn’t have been aware.

As it should be. If you had to explain America to someone using only 1 food item, it would have to be the KFC Double Down.

If you ever find yourself thinking “that’s too much butter”, you are wrong.

A lot of non-Americans don’t grasp how fucking big the country is.

Ah yes, if there’s anything that has been good for minorities and those speaking out against oppression historically, it has been communism. Great idea.

What if the students classify their drinking games as a protest against soberness?

Followed by a letter to Tom McParland asking how to get out of this situation by rolling all of that debt into another vehicle.

My apartment layout isn’t exactly the same, but I had issues with deliveries not showing up until my complex installed these package lockers:

If all you need to do is get mulch from Home Depot this works great. If you need a “real” truck, I think range is probably a lot more of a deal breaker than bed space. Nothing of any substance is going very far on the back of a new Hummer.

Yup, these problems are of OP’s own making.

*Insert snarky PC master race comment here*


It’s also more likely to have manufacturing defects, something savvy buyers are aware of.

Right? If you can beat a libel case in England you DEFINITELY didn’t libel anyone.

Chicken is so normal though, it’s a holiday and it’s supposed to be kind of a decadent meal.

Especially at this price. For $120k I’m getting the damn wheels.