

Having lived in South Florida, I have my doubts.

Well you’re clearly a stoner at heart, you’ll always have that.

Question: how much weed was involved with this idea?

Yup, it’s an evolutionary thing. Foods that are high in both those macros are often very calorically dense. For most of our existence we went through periods of great abundance followed by periods of very little food, so our brains want us to be like bears in a way and just cram ALL THE CALORIES in while they’re

You don’t position yourself as the Korean Bentley by making things that are cheaper than the vehicles you actually compete with.

This has got to be an elaborate experiment to establish a correlation between wealth and complete lack of taste.

Crunch works in the short term, not so much in the long.

There is established competition in those markets that has been selling bikes like that forever and know exactly what they’re doing, just waltzing in and beating them at their own game is easier said than done.

Next up: Color Code “None More Black”.

Salami Overdose isn’t a bad way to go, and it’s also a good name for a rock band.

On the plus side, you can now die via cured meat consumption.

If they can’t make anything appealing to those markets at a price they can still profit from, it’s really easy to see how it helps. Those developing markets are not a good spot to try to sell a Harley, they’re expensive in one of the richest places on Earth, I can’t imagine how many years’ salary those would cost in a

My car, a 2016 Golf R, only has 1 camera: the backup camera.

Yes, it’s a VW.

Can someone explain to me how making it more expensive to operate an already unprofitable business is good for the employees long term?

Jealously isn’t a good look dude. “Overpriced” is in the eye of the beholder. Some people can easily afford these, just because you can’t doesn’t mean there’s something objectively wrong with it.

Are you implying either of the people who have a chance of becoming President would actually be good at it?

You made a claim that “NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING”, which is objectively false. We know a lot about it based on what Tesla did and did not say about it.

Why not be happy that they didn’t do something even more scummy? Is that a real question?