
Pointless consumption is what this country is all about.

You don’t get to the point where you can afford a $100k vehicle by paying sticker your whole life.

If you could redirect some of that over Colorado it would benefit both of us, half my state is on fire right now.

We know it isn’t full self driving because Tesla explicitly tells you you still need to be prepared to drive the car. It’s in Tesla’s own literature, we KNOW how they feel about the capabilities of their software.

I’ll have you know the Funtendo 65 is a perfectly cromulent gaming system.

Nothing stopping you from doing it. Reaching a settlement with this particular plaintiff does not grant them any kind of indemnity against other lawsuits. If you are not part of the class involved you are free to pursue your own lawsuit of a similar nature.

Jalopnik is a side gig for him, he has his own business where he helps people buy cars. I’d imagine that’s far more lucrative than writing here.

I’m not arguing one way or another, just pointing out the inconsistency.

And yet American cheese still has to be called “cheese food” because it isn’t actually cheese. If almond milk is milk, American cheese is cheese.

The problem is they often take out people who weren’t being stupid.

It’s also not apples to apples between manufacturers. The GTI is notorious for sandbagging those numbers. BMW has been known to do this as well.

IIRC, the Golf R isn’t “dead”, the Mk8 will come at some point, maybe a year after the Mk8 GTI shows up.

Of course Jerry is OK with it, he wants coaches that won’t steal his shine and will do whatever he says without question. This goes all the way back to Jimmy Johnson, who was legitimately a very good coach but got too much credit for the Cowboys’ success so Jerry had to get rid of him.

And the podunk fire department with no budget run by volunteers doesn’t care how long the training has been out, they have limited resources and they’re better spent on something else considering there might be 1 EV in their entire county.

Thank you for proving my point. The most well known dishes in their country that actually incorporate spice aren’t even from there.

It’s good to have hope, but in my family all it takes is 1 drunken Uncle to cause a political argument that will reverberate for years.

I had no trouble doing almost the entire process remotely (as much as the dealer would let me) when buying my Golf R.

Just a reminder that the British conquered the entire known world in search of spices and then decided they didn’t like any of them.

People with lots of kids?

You know I like boots? Care to back that up with anything or are you just flinging shit?