
Yes, and it is 100% accurate. Addressing the supply side of the equation does nothing to address demand, and where there is demand someone will find a way to supply it. That can be via regulated markets, or it can be via black markets. If you make the barrier to the regulated market too high (too much red tape, too

Among my group of car friends where I used to live, someone’s cousin bought a CVT WRX. He wanted a cool tuner car but didn’t want to learn to drive stick, despite our group having a dozen people who would’ve taught him how. I hardly knew the guy but I would’ve donated an afternoon of my time to the cause if asked.

If Subaru will put a CVT in the WRX I can’t assume any manufacturer has any common sense about where CVTs belong.

Ok, but what is his stance on bleu cheese vs. ranch? He’s batting 1.000 so far, but if I’m gonna vote for this guy I need to know more of his platform.

Man, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that.

A coworker of mine grew up splitting time between West Virginia and Michigan on farms.

Community College offers so many benefits for a lot of people. You can probably live at home while doing it, which saves you money and may speed up the “getting your head screwed on right” process. A lot of 18 year olds (myself included, ended up flunking out of CNU) don’t deal with a total lack of supervision all

That is bad news. Of course, I’m assuming we’ll be living under Thunderdome rules a decade from now so we’ll have entirely different means of acquiring cheap Porsches.

Yup, go to community college for 2 years and get all your gen ed requirements out of the way has always been a great idea if you know you can transfer to a bigger school. Virginia required a lot of the state 4 year schools to accept all community college transfers that met certain criteria. Basically, if you had a

We should start dreaming of something more realistic, like peace in the Middle East or cold fusion.

That still puts them out of our preferred price range. For a vehicle like this one, Jalops plan on being the 3rd or 4th owner.

How brown is Truffle Brown Metallic? Is Porsche selling a brown wagon?

They still doin’ 2-for-1 on that deal?

Whatever judge signed off on that warrant needs to be fired... into the sun.

Your Dad clearly didn’t know where he was going with it either.

Eh, $1500 for 50hp ain’t all that bad all things considered. What’s stupid is that you can have the same performance increase while leaving your warranty in tact for $500 more. That’s not a deal many ICE owners have offered to them. 50hp is definitely noticeable, even in a street car that rarely gets driven truly

Flash tuning voids warranty, film at 11.

I wasn’t aware, but when people appear to be engaging honestly I think it’s better to respond than to outright dismiss them regardless of what their post history is.

So the police are going to say they felt like their life was in jeopardy once he got into the car. I can even kind of understand that, I don’t doubt people pull guns out of their cars on the cops sometimes.

If anyone not in uniform approached you with a gun drawn you’d be 100% justified in shooting them dead on the spot, because approaching someone with a gun drawn like that is an implied threat to their life.