
A poached egg oozing it’s runny yolk over the rest of your breakfast is one of life’s true pleasures.

If their next employer ever hears about it. What are they gonna do, call Bristol and ask? Everyone involved has either been fired or is just as disgruntled as this guy is.

There is a lot of room between “do nothing, wait till we can shoot him” and “choke him to death while arresting him”. Like the thousands of arrests they make every day without seriously injuring anyone.

This post is proof that there are things worse than death.

They’re going to say this was justified because he refused orders and reached into his car where he might’ve had a weapon. Cops shoot in these situations, there’s precedence for it.

When I lived in Florida we had drive-thru liquor stores. They’d even helpfully cut the top off a case of beer for you so you had easy access.

It’s kinda funny you mention shopping in the same breath. I moved to Colorado a few years ago and I still find myself in the mindset of “never ever try to get something accomplished on the weekend” because of the crowds in NoVA. I have to remind myself that a sane number of people live here so I can go to Costco in

Oh God, not that place. Maybe it was good on a weekday, but that DMV was the only one in the area open on Saturdays and that place was hell on earth. I went there once because my apartment complex was going to tow the beater Boxster I had just bought unless I got tags on it THAT DAY, so I had to go on a Saturday or

The Virginia DMV was put there by God to test us.

I only paid $10 for it last time.

When considering purchasing a brand new, $100k sports sedan I know that gas savings are one of the top reasons for that decision.

Ah yes, San Francisco: where eating at a restaurant is a public health risk but shitting on the sidewalk isn’t.

Oh good, your comment read to me like someone unfamiliar with Adams’ humor, and it makes me sad that there are people out there in that situation.

You need to read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy if you haven’t. It’ll take you an afternoon and it is well worth it.

I should’ve known Scotland beat us to the punch on that one.

This being America, I’m shocked that we don’t have anything deep fried that we put on pizza with regularity.

I just want to say that the style of pepperoni in the picture (the kind that cups up, the place near me calls it “old world style”) is the best form for pizza. As seen in the picture, little pools of grease form in there and it’s delightful.

As would I, but I don’t think it gets that far. I don’t think it ever goes to court, and if it does I suspect some lawyer will take the case pro bono. Lots of good publicity to be had by representing these folks.

Contracts get enforced in courtrooms, make CN eat the bad publicity over taking them to court. They’ve already eaten a mountain of shit in the court of public opinion, call their bluff.

There is absolutely a market cap since EVs don’t work for a huge part of the market that ICE vehicles do work for.