
“A few thousand”. LOL, add a few zeros. The gun market right now is nuts, if they brought 100k of them over tomorrow I’d wager they’d be gone by Christmas. There’s no fear of lawsuits, we have legislation that prevents people from suing gun manufacturers over misuse of firearms.

H&K in particular could solve a lot of that problem if they deigned American civilians worthy of owning military guns. We’d buy a shitload of semi-auto G36s and MP5s if they let us.

There’s a lot of these shenanigans in government contracting too. Lots of minority owned outfits out there that exist only because they get advantages in bidding on contracts, once they win they just sub the work back out to Lockheed Martin or Raytheon while taking a cut.

The Bronco is better as a daily and far more practical in a lot of ways. It’s a much more useful vehicle. A lot of people could get away with a Bronco being their only vehicle, so $45k for one might not be unreasonable.

I guess it depends on why you’re at the track. If you’re there to race competitively, yes the DCT makes way more sense. You really do care about every millisecond because all your competitors also care about every millisecond.

It’s probably a really nice slushbox, one that shifts faster than any human with a stick ever could.

“Track Focused”

Right, which is why I’m placing a lot of blame on the readership.

Investigative journalism is dying in all subjects though. Why pay someone for weeks or months for 1 story when I can have them crank out a dozen clickbaity, vapid articles instead?

Apparently the goon that wrote that legislation is quite upset that everyone is working around it with rebuild kits.

I pipe up around here (and on several sister sites) all the time.

Isn’t that going to interfere with your vuvuzela orchestra’s practice time?

While there’s a lot of overlap in the Venn diagram in our beliefs, we have a very fundamental difference with anarchists. Libertarians accept that a government HAS to exist in order for society to function. It would be a far more limited government than what we have now, but it would be a formal government.

Oh I’m well aware, most internet “libertarians” just like weed and don’t like parking tickets. There’s a lot more to the philosophy than that, but most people can’t be bothered with the details.

Libertarians aren’t right-wing. Fiscally conservative, socially liberal. We don’t fit in the spectrum the way traditional parties do.

Libertarians, by nature, are not in the GOP. We have as many problems with Republicans as we do with Democrats.

If there is any justice in this world, whoever ratted him out is now dealing with a neighbor who chooses to mow their lawn at 6am every day.

Was about to post that.

The fun provided by a manual is provided by the clutch pedal, not the gear selector.

How will this reduce the learning curve of a real manual? The entire learning curve is in actuating the clutch properly, not flopping the gear selector around. If you learned on this and then tried to drive a real manual you’d be just as flummoxed as someone who learned on an automatic.