
Darwinism won’t matter here, the olds that get killed by this already passed on their genes and the young, dumb people mostly don’t die from it.

Per the journalist that wrote this, that is in fact the “simpler” way to do what Honda is doing.

This Civic still has to be a Civic, which means it needs some usable cargo space. Putting the gas engine in the back doesn’t accomplish that.

“No one wants to fly so we’re not offering as many flights” actually makes perfect sense if you don’t have a political axe to grind.

Or they could just ban obvious trolls like pretty much all Twitch streamers do.

Nothing short of actual barricades will stop the really malicious people. Formally closing the road does prevent honest mistakes from occurring though, and removes any grey area about whether or not you can prosecute someone for driving down the road.

I’ve never punched someone in the esophagus over it, but I did once spend an entire meal berating a coworker over his terrible life choices.

Oh I understand them completely, applying for a permit isn’t always the right answer. They should just understand that people might try to use that road without it meaning they were there to run everyone over because they’re racist.

Wow, look at us not resorting to personal attacks and recognizing that there may be nuance in these situations. Truly unusual for an internet conversation, I might buy a lotto ticket on the way home.

This is backed up by most states’ self defense laws as well.

So get the road formally closed.

I agree avoiding the protestors is the smart thing to do, I just think there are cases where people who had no malice just found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. A lot of different decisions could’ve been made to avoid their mistake, but that also doesn’t mean any of their decisions were “wrong”.

Yeah, but sticking it to nosy neighbors brings joy to just about anyone regardless of why they did it.

On a 1-way city street? “Just turn around” isn’t always a viable option once you’ve gotten onto the street you’re on.

It doesn’t stop actually malicious people, you’re right. But it does mean they’ll get prosecuted because all their valid reasons for being there are gone if the road is formally closed.

There have been instances of vehicular assault, I know that. There have also been instances called that where it’s not clear the driver had any malice, and where the crowd got aggressive with them.

This also happens if you order a steak well done at a restaurant. They find the oldest, greyest steak from the back of the cooler because you’re not going to know the difference after they cook it to death.

Is it an open, public road? Why do the protestors have more of a right to use it than anyone else?

Also, if you don’t want cars in your protest, you work with the city to get the roads where you’re protesting closed. Lots of groups do this when organizing marches or protests.

I read that as “who lets their 15 year old girl go live with a bunch of grown ass men?”