
If you can’t afford to tip 20% then you can’t afford to eat out.

“Mummy, you’ve destroyed my life! I shan’t speak to you ever again! Now....give me this week’s sack of money immediately!”

Somebody just needs to grow a pair and step up. I’m shockingly available. I have made it very clear

Dude’s name is Eric Holder? Seriously?

You mean the guy who is completely estranged from his family and basically every other human on the face of the earth was *also* petty with his teammates?

I teach PreK. The amount of shit I get from mothers when I tell them that Tommy was in a time-out today because he wouldn’t stop hitting the other children is insane. 

I also think the people that give their kid’s teachers bottles of wine that say shit like “my child is probably the reason you drink” are projecting in a MAJOR way. I’m not a teacher but receiving something like that would definitely rub me the wrong way about a student and their parents.

I’m a mother of a 5 year old and a 21 month old. I have very decidedly never looked at pinterest. Maybe it’s because I was older when I had my kids (i’m very near 40) and I had and still have a very established career, that I didn’t think and still don’t think in those terms. In other words, I could honestly give a

My cousin will text and email her kid’s teacher because her kid can’t sit still and the teacher will say HEY YOUR KID TOLD ME SHE DOESN’T WANT TO LEARN TODAY. My cousin blames the teacher!!!

I feel like it ruins wine for me! I only drink Fridays and Saturdays (socially on Saturdays, partying with my husband and watching DVR on Fridays). Even hearing the words “mommy juice” is just cringe worthy. I honestly don’t even like joking about needing a drink after a long day because I think its dumb. 

Stay in the field and I guarantee you’ll find yourself working in an office where one of these lamps has lived since 1987!

Nailed it. I saw a post on a local ‘bad moms’ (eye-roll) group by a mom that was asking if she’s the only one who needed wine or whatever to get through a parent teacher conference or other school events. My kid is only in Kindergarten but most of this stuff takes a half hour and is relatively painless. If you can’t

I am a mom, and it is obnoxious.

If you have to rely on alcohol to get you through your day, that is neither cute nor rebellious. That’s a sign of a serious problem — mom or not. If I were a teacher or a CPA or a bus driver, I can assure you no one would think I was cute if I talked about how much I needed an “ adult juice box” throughout the day.

This stuff has definitely been called out several times within the last few years, yet it somehow persists. I don’t get it because #mommyneedsadrink isn’t anything new current culture is just normalizing it.

I am a mom and it’s really fucking obnoxious. It’s all just an extension of high school and trying to one up each other at how cool they are. 

General modern mommy culture is very obnoxious. These women are successful because they’re good at lampooning it.

A lot of my friends who are moms are really into this. I’m also a newish mom (15 month old) and I find the lack of reflection on gender roles troubling. My marriage is certainly not without gender roles and my husband and I get in arguments about work distribution all the time. But when it comes to childcare, my

There is an epidemic of alcoholism among mothers. It’s a really serious issue that is leading to early death among women and seems to be brushed off by such hashtags, or slogans.

Therapist: what are you hoping to take from these sessions?