
The looks on the faces of the kids (both the ones doing it and the ones not, particularly mister white suit on the left, and the far upper right guy) tell us that no, they weren’t doing the original pledge of allegiance flag salute.

i Do need to have a calmer, better thought out conversation, I’m calling a friend who is a doctor tomorrow morning to discuss with her a list of questions I should ask, and will call my doctor back. I agree it is irresponsible, but I’m glad I got the blood draw done and sent off on Friday, I’ve noticed that their test

Well congrats on the gestation! Boo for the diabeetus though. 

I’ve got a funny story about those too! It’s my husband’s story really, but the guy who sits across from him just graduated from college, and has never seen Office Space. The boss comes over and jokingly asks the 20 something if he’s got those TPS reports ready. The 20 something says TPS reports? I’ve done a few of

For some reason I’m cracking up about frequently running into an angry Vanilla Ice.

I’m so glad she’s talking about her miscarriage and infertility. I felt like such a failure as a woman because it was difficult for me to conceive, and so alone on this journey. Then I met so many other women who also suffered from PCOS and I found so much hope. Knowing a strong and accomplished woman like her also

Just when you think you can’t love this incredible woman any more.

The race was so close! I had to give up watching last night when Walker briefly passed Evers in the count. I woke up this morning figuring we would still have a Republican governor and AG. I was surprised and relieved to see that’s not the case (at least right now).

If only there had been a good guy with a bottle of Yoohoo. 

Referred to officially as the “Urkel Defense

Oh it was extravagant. Every time I donated or invested I sent a little email to her shitass son, detailing how I spent that money, and he didn’t. He managed to get the rest of her estate, even tho she had 4 children. He has purchased a private lake, and a 3 million dollar mansion on it using the proceeds from the

She should tell him he can try birthing a boy all he wants. 

what is up with parents who want a specific gendered child? I’ll never understand that. 

My favorite narrative element of this great and true story was how you book-ended your praise of this woman for being interested in your HEART and MIND with a detailed description of her body. Presumably you were fascinated by the HEART and MIND of her “nice boobs on the larger side”.

I have no interesting Halloween stories so I’ll just share this tweet, which sent me into such a howling laughter fit upon first seeing it that I had to flee my cube and go be hysterical in an empty conference room.

As one who has not dressed up since I was worst thing is turning off my porch light and pretending not to be home one year...maybe two...

Probably because his face looks like an open herpes sore thats been rolling around the floor of a subway car.

Fam, I thought Bob Barker had already died an indeterminate amount of time ago, so this story was very confusing for me. But also, cool, I’m glad he’s still around at age 94 (!). 

So, I’ve posted on here about my attempts to get pregnant, and how stressful it is because I’m looking to switch jobs next school year. Earlier this week, on a post about Meghan Markle’s pregnancy, I sadly shared that we were officially at month 5 with no baby. Then... my period was late. And I took another pregnancy

How do I get my post pregnancy gut to go away? Because diet and exercise don't do shit.