You guys need to do an article on the Republican running for senate in Arizona who killed (murdered) his mother and sister and got away with it. I know the layoffs have reduced content but that is one batshit crazy story.
You guys need to do an article on the Republican running for senate in Arizona who killed (murdered) his mother and sister and got away with it. I know the layoffs have reduced content but that is one batshit crazy story.
And a current PTA officer at his kid’s new school (my kid’s school). He’s. The. Worst.
Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.
This is disgusting, and things NEED to be changed quickly in this digital age.
It’s counter intuitive because of the expectations our society puts on mothers (i.e. everyone else’s well being, THEN your own), but you have to look out for yourself first because no one else will so it for you. This is probably my biggest piece of advice to give to other moms, new or otherwise. You know yourself…
I wish there was a more comprehensive discussion about feeding your baby. They push breastfeeding so hard at birthing classes now, and I think more women struggle with it than not. I also had a run in with mastitis after a few weeks of being home and IN PAIN every time my son latched on (even with a nipple guard). I…
Hi it’s me on my other burner... God this sounds so much like me. I’m so sorry you went through that!!
Meh. I’m still for it. I think it’s overall still helping to normalize bf, even though glamourized breastfeeding is still hilarious to me.
Dear white people;
I’ve already called the cops on you for this comment.
Unfortunately for the caller, Sterling has no law against having an open container of whoop-ass.
I keep saying SOMEONE needs to make a grocery store with a Smaland. I would shop nowhere else ever again.
That woman has a handbag full of buckles and bricks.
I was recently thinking it woudl be great if someone made small versions of these that people could hold on strings like regular balloons. Wouldn’t the sight of a cloud of helium filled little Trump Baby Balloons drifting over the White House as Trump speaks or over one of his golf courses as he plays golf be a sight…
My dad was a fireman his entire career and died on the job. I would find this disrespectful if one of my siblings did this, but what other people do with their family mementos is their business.
That’s great! My son is hanging out with friends 40 minutes away from home, going to Dave and Busters, walking around the mall, and going to see a violent film- Purge Something (?). He is fifteen. It goes fast.
The thing I really dislike about ol Musky is all the fanboys who fucking adore him on a cult-like uncomfortable level.
My daughter learned how to swim two weeks ago and took the training wheels off of her bike on Monday. Seeing her enjoy her first tastes of independence is amazing.
Funny how Billy Bush is getting way more severe consequences than the guy who actually said "grab them by the pussy"
As a psychologist I always hesitate to use the word addiction not related to a drug or alcohol. Substance aabuse shares many of the same impulse behaviors but lacks the changes to neuro chemistry that heroine or nicotine does.