
See, they install that TruCoat at the factory, there’s nothin’ we can do, but I’ll talk to my boss


I’m an adjuster and am handling a claim involving a 98 Saturn. It’s been in storage since the accident last week... Needless to say, the storage costs exceed the car value, so they can keep it as far as I am concerned.

When a ‘90s Malibu needs new tires, I’m pretty sure it’s considered totaled.

I will say, based on my experience, even in obvious scouting/look situations, the scout team is specifically told to make it look as game-realistic as possible, which means *not* throwing it directly to the DBs.

I had the whole clip being narrated by Jim Ross.  “Bah Gawd!”

My dad is as a farmer. Vietnam vet. Put me through college and helped put me through law school. Nice guy. Did not vote for Trump. He doesn’t need your sympathy.

All kids should watch ‘Reqiuem for a Dream’. They will never try anything again.

And yeah, that kid is a total fuckin’ square, man.

For me it was a 1987 Plymouth Horizon with a 2.2 liter 4 speed. The expensive halogen lamps went out in 6 to 12 months. The voltage regulator went after 2 years. The cables holding the side view mirror into its housing rusted out and the mirror had to be glued in place with epoxy. The “Expo” sticker on the back window

Agreed. I see a lot of people on here complaining, but at least he didn’t sit around and bottleneck traffic or cause someone unnecessary risk having to stop in the middle of the interstate.

I shouldn’t be impressed, but I am. It’s not every day you see a fully competent driver who knows how to reverse their own vehicle more than just a few feet.

At least this person had a backup plan.

This guy is better at driving in reverse than a lot of drivers are at driving forward.

Waked: As we gather to mourn the loss of our mother, let us not dwell on our differences, but instead celebrate her life and wish we had more time to mend our relationship with her.

This is some goddamn outstanding work

OR she was a narcissist only interested in her own interests at any given time and her kids understood this having had to deal with her. And she moved back because her kids in Cali couldn’t stand her and she thought she could emotionally blackmail the old set of kids into dealing with her. They tried to reconcile,

Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”

Also abandoned: commas.

The comments here are kind of harsh. We were all dumb rich kids once. Who among us hasn’t totaled two exotics worth half a million dollars, fled the scene of the accident, left our passport behind in the wreckage, and had the entire incident captured on two different videos only to have them both uploaded to