you are woefully underestimating the number of people who use navigation and GPS while driving.
you are woefully underestimating the number of people who use navigation and GPS while driving.
but notice the ftc hasn’t done anything about john deere.
You are the worst mankind has to offer. I am proud that people like you are losing the culture war.
Ten and two.
The left most lane is for passing.
Very little is triangulated in that cage and there are all sorts of unsupported bends. Fundamentally, it’s very wrong. And in the still of the YT video, you can see one of the roll hoop “supports” (which should converge to the middle of the bend) popped clean off the roll hoop vertical.
Super sad but let me say this. THIS is the reason the auto community needs to come together and be LESS judgmental and MORE welcoming. This idea isn’t “stupid” it’s just that this individual didn’t know what he didn’t know. You can’t just “make up” physics... there are reasons cages are designed the way they are.…
“Looks like the young man obtained a VIN for a Honda Civic and used that to register this vehicle as a Honda Civic”
When you have kids, you really need to stop doing stupid stuff in life.
Asking people to take their shoes to get in/drive your car is an insane and ridiculous request.
This is some kind of guerrilla advertising for a chicken slaughtering business, right?
Anyone who buys an AWD crossover “for the snow” and keeps it on all-seasons all year is also a fool.
If only SUV drivers actually used their visibility to pay attention to the road.
Nope. Seventeen-year-olds who drive to school in fucking Ford Explorers misunderstand SUVs. Single people who buy SUVs without any intention of ever driving anyone/anything but themselves in them misunderstand SUVs. Childless couples whose grocery runs consist of four Trader Joe’s bags a week misunderstand SUVs. We…
The crossover market was created by dull, uncultured, drooling drones who want the laziest way to carry all the shit they buy on their maxed-out credit cards so they can take home along with their hell-spawn and 11 dogs.
I like cars, too. The problem is Ford doesn’t make good cars, and finally realized they can’t. Why compete in a segment where you can’t win, or worse, you can only sell deeply discounted and incentivized inventory?
Here’s what playoff hockey in Montreal and Detroit looks like:
Also, the women’s luggage allotment is twice that of the man
I am a fan of using the dead hooker method