
Oh I just had a good laugh over the pop exploding.

I usually wear a sweatshirt as I drive and go in and out during temperatures above 0 F, but I always have my Carhartt somewhere in my car. It really comes in handy when you have a flat or other car problems. I sat on the side of the road last winter and bled my coolant system at -25 F last winter so I could limp the

I drove 2 cars when I turned 16. A late 80s Ford F-250 with a 450 hp 4 speed manual transmission and a 1988 Dodge Omni. I learned 2 lessons, the Ford could accelerate and drive fast as hell but could not handle worth crap so you needed to respect when others were around so you would not kill them. The Omni really

I started making sure I had some breakfast food (granola bars/yogurt) in my room for longer stays. I can only handle a day or 2 of that routine before I want to become the guy who walks out of his room at 7:59 to be ready to go at 8:00.

T-Boned a pick up truck at 65 mph without a seat belt on and walked away with out a scratch.  I partied and got drunk as F because I felt Immortal that night!!!

I could see Manitowoc County being shady in this one.

Not in Northern Minnesota.  I think you would kill yourself at -30 actual air temperature.

you still can.  I think the last one i bought for my 2012 was 12$.  yes it took longer to install because I had to remove the bumper cover but it sure beat a 200$ bill from the repair shop.

2012 malibu requires you to remove the bumper cover to change a headlight. It wasn’t so bad once i figured it out.

yeah but people are idiots.

any thing built after 2000 is pretty god damn safe! It is amazing what airbags and crumple zones can do.

exactly, I replaced a mirror on an 05 impala for 20$. it even had power mirror connections.

or live in a non inspection state :)

I dont like you either.

No the parents didn’t do their job.

The key phrase is he sold a house that his parents made a down payment on.

WTF? 84 months on a 9,999$ car? That should be illegal!!!

Not a 2008, they really are still pretty simple. As an self trained “farm mechanic” I have been able to diagnose some pretty tricky issues with critical thinking and the internet.

I have an 06 with 140000 miles, my latest job is convincing the wife that we dont need to upgrade yet. Just drove it 1000 miles this weekend and it didn’t miss a beat.

Dude a window regulator is a cheap and easy fix.