
“If a tree falls in the forest and no one tweets about it, did it really happen?”

back in my time when I got my first car, my dad retarded the timing for his retarded son. Later on, I advanced it as I advanced in maturity and experience behind the wheel.

Dealers don’t want to jump through hoops to sell a car — this isn’t particularly insightful. There are too many tire kickers out to waste time with giving the car yet another inspection.

Tom, this is an interesting perspective. I’ve heard people say something along the lines of “I don’t need to buy a car, but they need to sell me one.” Nope. They need to sell someone a car, doesn’t have to be you.

That right there is 99/100 of my hotel stays.

I would love to do this but I also enjoy the routine of getting out of bed, throwing on some clothes, and trying to cook unsatisfying waffles in a room full of groggy strangers while fox news blares in the background.

You realize of course, these systems are for things like parking assist, lane departure and emergency braking. Systems that are easily replaced by a driver giving even the slightest fuck about the safety of his or her family.

Seems like proper driver training and holding people accountable for their actions would be a cheaper price with better results........

If people are worried about this they could just accept that they have to actually drive the car themselves and buy a car without all the “I’m a bad driver” aids. You can still get cars that don’t have $30k worth of stupidity-compensating sensors in them.

Can one get tetanus from the internet?

That’s just fear of electronics. When something finally does go wrong, odds are you can plug in the scanner and it will tell you exactly what’s broken. Diagnosis has never been easier than it is on cars from the last decade.

... you’re kidding right? That’s nothing.

When David Tracy offers to buy it.

ha, as if we as a society ever knew how to drive well in the first place.

I have two questions.


A side mirror and a marginally attentive driver,on the other hand...

Personally I don’t think this would be an issue. Since I don’t randomly leave the road for no reason holes in yards don’t hang me up ever.

Good, screw these people. Hope it messes up their cars. Just driving onto someones lawn like that... taste the karma. 

Yes, they have. Car ads and sales pitches used to be about the drivetrain, the power, the engine, the dynamics of the car. Now it is infotainment and “boy is it easy to get in and out.” We are gravitating to autonomous bubble pods that carry our fat asses around.