
This is a great car for winter. Theres half an inch of snow on the road. You just dont know how to drive in it

Aren’t you Canadian?

Thank God somebody is listening to Cris Carter.

$650 after taxes!

If you are a Packers fan and under 25, you should know that this is what quarterback play looks like to much of the NFL. It is what you have to look forward to someday.

You know, it was really nice of you guys to not just populate this series with whoever was playing QB for the Denver Broncos last week.

I’ve taken my vehicle to an oil-change shop exactly once. That was all it took for me to develop trust issues.

Every time I see something like this I think that I wasn’t sad enough when Mythbusters went off the air. At least Adam and Jamie would science the shit out of something like this before the inevitable explosion.

“We’re here to save you guys some money.”

Lies, the historical documents indicate he’s merely missing the correct accessory!

That’s pretty much exactly what I thought of the movie. I really don’t get the hype over it, it was not that good.

Then the article title and implications are an intentional falsehood.

They aren’t. They would just get fired for walking out on their job. Also, they aren’t immigrant farm workers if they are worried about getting deported. We don’t deport people with temporary work visas.

It’s 100% based in reality. I’ve met many of the employees, and talked with some of their other supervisors and coworkers. My wife’s boss hate the employee I’ve talked about, but they can’t do anything but overpay her.

Way to miss the point completely. High five to you.

She gets paid plenty, believe me.

“An employee should not be forced to give up her or his dignity and fundamental human rights for work.”

Why? She’s smart, works hard, inspires her employees, has ambition, and isn’t a lazy asshole that mooches off the people around her.

My wife works at a a major university running an Astrophysics Dept and is surrounded by union workers. They are some of the laziest, most overpaid people employed at the university, and no matter how poorly they perform, or how often they skip work, they can’t be fired without huge mess of bullshit. And the off chance