those are pretty uncommon scenarios. How often do you lend out your car to someone else? How many of us are earning money as we drive?
those are pretty uncommon scenarios. How often do you lend out your car to someone else? How many of us are earning money as we drive?
My wife and I have bought our last 4 cars from my brother in law who works at the local dealership. He gets us an pretty decent deal that I honestly can say is fair and cant be beat by the competition. It is a very stress free deal.
I had it happen, told the guy “get my f”@king keys you shady piece of s*&t”. When the car was returned, I found they drained my power steering fluid. Instead of dealing with these jerkoffs any more, I cut my losses and filled it myself instead of having them create more damage. Did they really think draining fluid was…
98 Malibus simply do not die! I tried and I tried, I even neglected maintenance on mine but it just kept running. I had well over 300k on the original transmission and engine before I simply decided to move on. I sold it to a local guy and every once in awhile I or a family member will spot it driving around town. It…
Good old Independent baseball!!!
A freestyle takedown vs an mma takedown is a completely different monster. If this was fought on an open freestyle mat Cejudo would have destroyed him on his feet. Since it is fought in an octagon with walls it turns into a greco match with extra defense from the cage. It becomes far tougher to take someone down. The…
The refs need to shut their mouths. There is no reason to argue with a coach, a player or a fan. You make the call and at best give an explanation if asked for by a coach. And most importantly ignore the dumbass fans. Half of them don’t even know the rules.
There are alot of central american countries not on that list....and Somalia.
The computers will replace the “missing” adult working population.
They bought a case of water for 3 or 4 dollars which makes each bottle worth 15 to 20 cents. They marked this product up to 2$ and sold it illegally on top of not having a permit :)
Canadians will buy U.S. produce because they have no choice. you cant produce much of it and it is shipped from the south in huge volumes.
10 years later and they have upped their game!
IDK selling a 20 cents bottle of water for 2$ seems like a crime to me.
2 is bullcrap and you know it!
Its all pure crap. after the first turn any horse could have made a run at justify and they did not. Gronk was in dead last for a good chunk of the race, he made a great run but it wasn’t good enough.
Exactly! parking on the side would have required a tow truck, which would have bottled necked traffic even worse. What he did was clear a problem without negatively affecting the traffic.
Come’on man! it was stop and go traffic!!! its not that big of deal.
Why? he improvised in slow traffic and got his rig off the road and off the shoulder to a safer place. He doesn’t need to rely on others when he has issues, he knows what to do and takes care of the problem himself.
German descent Minnesotans. We aren’t as friendly as the Norwegians.