
Its breaks the internet because its a thing.

That doesn’t fit the definition of Funreliable. Funreliable would not break down 4 times a month, that would be unreliable.

The republican candidates in North Dakota are nothing for anyone to get excited about including republicans.

She is a politician and more importantly a democrat in North Dakota.

Just keep digging yourself a deeper hole!

Those are not SUVs they are crossovers you MORON!!!!

Those spots are typically reserved for youngsters who have something to prove.

You obviously have never been inside a tractor trailer. He had no clue she was there and probably didn’t even know he hit her.

he had his blinker on and was making a right handed turn. It takes a lot of road to make a right handed turn with a 53' trailer. The cyclist was in his blind spot and he probably didn’t even feel the bump in the tractor.

No thats 100 percent on the bicyclist. The Semi driver didn’t have a chance to see her, she was completely in his blind spot.

enjoy your cheap piece of crap.

I thought the same, than I saw it was a Hyundai. You deserve the crap you get when you buy a Hyundai!!!

Why would you take something to the shop to fix for half to a third of the cars value?

Counterpoint: Working at a big box hardware store shouldn’t be a career for anyone! Unless it is your only option and you are willing to work towards a management position.

The local dealer over charged me 25$ on my registration this past February. They sent me a check in the mail a few weeks later.

Yeah, these stories sound alot like working for Menards (the midwest version of Home Depot).

LOL!!!! They would lock them out and find new employees.

Are you getting it repaired at a shop or doing it yourself?

I will be legally participating in sports gambling within the next 5 years.