
So who are these guys? a bunch of junior players? any college? couldn’t we get some AHL players at least?

Go big or go home! it is the nature of the beast. There is a reason most of these snowboarders are under 20 years old. They are young and dumb enough still.

I enjoyed NBC’s multiple slow motion replays from multiple angles.

It is an inappropriate line of questioning for the press conference at hand. Most people could care less what a snow boarder does in his free time.

we have 3 Oreilly Auto Parts in my town. I have my go to store with my knowledgeable and helpful employees, 1 store I refuse to go to, and the other one I only go to when the first one is out of stock of the particular part.

Most new car buyers dont. They buy it new run it for 30K to 50k miles and trade it in for a new one. Basically they pay a premium price to avoid out of pocket repairs and minimal maitenance.

The initial quality award is “ a measure of problems experienced within the first 90 days of ownership.” 

It keeps out the trash! (wink wink if you know what I mean)

Umm, wait a second. There are Tornadoes and floods (along the rivers, especially in the Red River Valley)

Clement’s TD was not a TD. He never had control and bobled the ball before securing it and stepping out of bounds.

Now playing

Maybe he doesn’t wear sleeves, just like Randy doesn’t wear shirts, its just the way it is.

I couldn’t understand half of whatever Kendrick Lamar was saying. It’s disappointing that that’s what passes as great music.

That was the only major award I really had issue with. But in all reality I haven’t heard alot of the auto tune crap or rap that was nominated.

The Sentra owner is wrong. A car is a tool to get from point A to point B. however there is a small connection to all the miles and blood sweat and tears keeping these damn things running down the highway. Other than that you will find a new car, some you will like more than others and yes my 04 sentra is pretty high

why spend 70?

I replaced them on my 2005 3.4 liter Impala and 2006 3.8 liter town and country. The backside on both was facing the other way and you had to reach your arm over the entire engine. I used my hands to feel where the wrench needed to go and with a little patience it wasn’t a terrible job. All the plug sockets have a

Your mistake was putting a long term loan on a freaking Hyundai!!! I’m sorry those things a junk.

If you drive the average 12,000 miles per year I doubt you have much to worry about. Hell you barley will have to turn a wrench on the darn thing before your loan mature. 75x1200= 90,000 miles 90,000 +30000=120,000 miles.

my guess is he put 15k down on a 45000$ pickup truck.

And that is the exact problem. These people have their priorities all wrong.