
Depends on what you are buying. Cars and trucks last a lot longer than they used to. the average driver puts on roughly 12000 miles per year. In 6 years you are only putting 72000 miles.

I can’t help it you have terrible taste in music.

Nothing funny about stupidity.

You are an idiot who needs to broaden your horizons. Start by listening to some of the old outlaw country and you will slowly learn to appreciate the solid country gold from the 60s 70s and 80s

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along the same line. Pop country really sucks! There are a select few that have a traditional song style and story telling ability but it is few and far in between. Haggard, Willie, Cash, Jennings, and Cole are true country!

mine comes on when it is a balmy 37 degrees outside. I don’t understand why my car thinks its cold when we are in a heat wave?

unless its flashing it can wait ;)

I have found the locals are far worse drivers than the tourists. Constantly hitting their horns the second the light turns green. flying down the streets at max speed swerving in and out of traffic and honking their horns at anyone in their way.

never seen that, Delta are touchscreen.

Screw that! they were dumb enough to book a middle seat!!!

Ever try to pee while you encounter slight turbulence? It’s more difficult to aim than after 12-14 beers.

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I see it fairly often on the Facebook Market pages. Someone will post”looking to buy a reliable car for under 500$ or a seller willing to take payments”

The United States of America!

I seriously am disappointed in this entire thread. You don’t buy an old muscle car and expect the same standards of modern engineering. You buy an old car for the experience of stepping back to a simpler time. Alot of you guys I think are spoiled with your on car wi-fi, heated/cooled seats, precise climate control,

No Tire is the only way to spell it!

*Tires* please edit your terrible spelling.

I was thinking the same thing. turn traction control off and put her to the floor!!!

Big girls are better in bed anyways ;)

Yes it does, you have nothing to complain about! Packer fans are spoiled brats.