
Best solution is don’t be an idiot! pay attention to weather forcasts and road conditions. and most importantly slow the heck down in the winter.

wow, just wow! that is the dumbest reason I have ever heard of for getting rid of a car,

They generally appreciate honesty and the fact that you are relaxed usually throws them for a loop.

Beautiful commercial. This is how the world needs to see vehicles. just because they aren’t the prettiest on the outside it doesn’t mean they are useless anymore.

Do they run and drive? why are they unsafe? I am sure there is still life in them, maybe not a traditional over the road life, but at least post it for sale you never know who is in desperate need of a vehicle.

-30 degree (or lower) Fahrenheit requires all the way red and near if not full blast fan for my 40 mile commute. It’s just too damn cold for the interior to warm up efficiently.

That’s actually progress.

If he stays healthy past this week. They are putting a qb recovering from injury with a swiss cheese offensive line against a brutal Carolina Panthers front in Carolina.

it blows off most of the time and the defrost gets the rest.

any sketch that has “just the tip?” “Thats what she said” joke in it is pure comedy gold!

Donald and I are not alike. I just don’t understand the wierd people who don’t drink diet coke

He would be safe to do so since only Tony Stewart kills people for doing that.

and a guy a few years back ;)

At least this time he only accidentally tried to kill himself unlike that other time.

Your an idiot. Your taillights will shine through that white snow.

looks like a standard day at work for me. We are issued compact cars to do field work which includes, gravel roads, dirt roads, prairie trails, headlands the occasional mud puddle, ect...


How so? if your talking Geographically you are correct but if you are talking population you are wrong.

because a 15$ minimum wage in Minneapolis is absolutely absurd.

LaDuke, and Reynolds would be terrible choices. They represent a minority of the population in this great state. Hodges has taken too many lumps as Mayor of Minneapolis to even consider running for a state wide office let alone a national office.