He isn’t smart enough to think that deeply. He is trying to make the religious right happy with this move because “the bible says so”.
He isn’t smart enough to think that deeply. He is trying to make the religious right happy with this move because “the bible says so”.
Christ is the reason he made this decision. He thought by moving the embassy to Jerusalem he could make the religious right happy and Israel would be ok with this.
It takes me longer to diagnose but with the help of youtube and internet forums, I have really impressed myself with some of the issues I have diagnosed on my high milage. The more repairs you do the more knowledge you gain, the only difference between you and a mechanic is they have more experience and education.
get your wrench tight on the bolt and than tap it with a solid hammer a few times. That will typically do the trick.
in June? yes.
Hold my beer. It doesn’t get dark until 10:00 pm up here in the mid June! its freaking awesome :)
In minnesota you can buy unpasturized milk but you have to pick it up directly from the farm. And what really gets me about these raw milk hippies is their inability to get off their rear ends and drive out to the farm to pick it up. It’s not that hard to do. You claim you care about your health and this milk is so…
I disagree it depends upon how you treat the car. I ran my Malibu for over 300000 miles with no major engine or transmission issues. It gets a bad rap but in reality it is a pretty damn good car.
Cars these days are extremely tough, It truly takes alot to make them non functional. You can buy a great car for under a 1000$ these days because most people dismiss their worth and don’t want to put the effort into minor repairs top keep these cars moving down the road.
True story, I pulled over to the shoulder this morning to whip a U-turn and the truck behind me followed me over and stopped behind me because she could not think for herself and drive past like most normal people.
As a vikings fan I couldn’t agree more! Rodgers makes his receivers better than what they are. And it is truly amazing neither Rodgers nor Farve suffered more injuries behind the swiss cheese offensive lines the packers have put on the field.
I was backing up the car and driving around the farm yard at about 10 or 11 years old.
What makes a car boring? Is it it’s looks? is it is features? Or is it how it drives?
Dennis Perkins simply does not understand Larry Davids comedy or fan base. I loved this rant it reminded me of his days writing for Seinfeld and the outrageous conversations between George and Jerry.
This is so true. driving while drowsy is just part of the job. I have a 40 mile commute every day and than I drive all over the place once I get to work. On the way home I may feel great when I get into the car but 30 miles down the road I start to feel very tired. This occurs at least once a month It sucks and scary…
04 Nissan Sentra. Tires of death in rain and snow. The car was so light and the tires were so narrow that it would hydroplane in the lightest of rains and down right sketchy on ice.
A good start would be to stop juicing the balls.
or if your late just drive normal and be late. that’s what i do, I would rather arrive alive than not arrive at all.
The announcers and deadspin keep trying to hype up this horrifying and miserable series. when it is 10:30 pm central time and they are only in the 6th inning something is horribly wrong. this is occurring on a regular basis. I am sorry but the pace of these games is way too slow for my taste and I watch a fair amount…
you are advocating for 2 offsetting personal fouls and no effect on Miami?