You have no clue! Title IX is intended to encourage schools to add opportunities for women, it was never intended to take away opportunities that already existed from Men.
You have no clue! Title IX is intended to encourage schools to add opportunities for women, it was never intended to take away opportunities that already existed from Men.
Wow, Trump is actually doing a good thing here. Lets be honest Title IX was created with good intentions but it has been an absolute failure. It was intended to create equal opportunities for women but has been used in a completely destructive manner. basically it has created opportunities for women at the expense…
Korea was not so much an insurgent force but our presence created the hatred for America that exists today. I can guarantee that if we over threw their current leadership, instability would follow and another terrorist breading ground would be created.
I cant site the past 100 years of history? or just look at the past 16 years you idiot!!! We invaded Iraq which destabilized the country and led to an influx of Insurgent forces and is still a mess and only created more hatred towards Americans.
Really? please go check your history books, you really don’t have to go that far back. Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, ect...
No one cares about Canada!!!
You nailed it. The difference from last year and this year is his ability to accurately place his pitches. He threw some nasty looking pitches but was unable to consistantly pitch in the strike zone. This lead to a high pitch count and Berrios trying to over compensate and throw bad pitches.
Thats after staring down a 94 or 95 mph fastball
The Twins are a legitimate threat for years to come. They are they youngest team and baseball. The pitching staff will be the difference maker in years to come.
What’s your point? That is the past, but it’s hard to argue you wouldn’t want him starting for your team right now. He currently has the best era. of any starting pitcher.
Verlander is a has been. He is still efective but not near what he used to be.
had a 1998 chevy malibu that just would not die. I had well over 300,000 miles on the original engine AND transmission. I eventually sold it one thing I never thought I would do.
No Dallas stole the Northstars from Minnesota and forever ruined Hockey!
And the opposite side of the spectrum. Fan fails miserbly at catching a home run ball. Gets playfully mocked by Torri Hunter.
you refer to clients who do not read emails and miss important information. You can either fax the material (documented correspondence) or send them an email and than call them about the relevant information with in the email.
It’s a formal form of communication. My generation is to reliant on email and expects the same from others.
This relates to any used car dealership. put some gas in that mother and drive it. If your car still runs don’t bring that bitch back. We don’t care about cosmetics.
It’s called a telephone use it!
Are we really surprised? Trump has thrived in the private sector where he as able to throw money at anything that got in his way. He has never had to deal with repercussions for his actions and has always been able to surround himself with yes man. Sorry Trump, the Presidency doesn’t work like that.