Miami is terrible, terrible traffic and terrible drivers.
Miami is terrible, terrible traffic and terrible drivers.
or just buy used and you don’t have to worry about warranties and service work.
More of this happens than anything else. The salesman pushes the car out the door without making sure everything is in line. Once the paperwork gets submitted to be finalized they find an issue that should have been communicated before the car was sold. These miscommunication are simply mistakes by the salesman for…
I was thinking Leslie Jones. Sarah Sanders has way too much anger for any other cast member to effectively imitate.
Nothing a little dirt will not absorb. I wouldn’t be too worried about a 84 gallon spill.
Out here way out here in North Dakota we have a lot of dirt roads, I am talking about actual dirt not gravel roads. Idiots and rednecks will go tearing down these roads after a heavy rain and rip them up so bad that sometimes it is smoother to drive through the ditch than their aftermath. The county sheriff cant do…
You are right, they are more than likely disrespectful weekend warriors from the city. They have no clue nor respect for agriculture.
That would have been natural selection doing its job.
lol, I put blood sweat and tears into my vehicle also. I do my own work also and mine rarely sees a shop. I just understand that a car is a tool to get you from point A to point B and it is impossible to protect it and keep it perfect. It will get scratched, it will get door dings, or god forbid worse. Thats your…
these people need to realize a car is a tool to get from point a to point b and not a self reflection of themselves.
It is not that others don’t care it is accidents happen. Although it is getting more common with all the new crossovers and their large doors.
I hate those people that care too much about their cars and freak out about a tiny little scratch. It is a material possession, It is a car, it will get dirty, it will get scratched, it will get a few door dings, that is life. The sooner you realize a vehicle is a tool and not a reflection of yourself you will have…
I drive alot in rural North Dakota. I got pulled over once and that day I forgot my drivers wallet at home. So the officer asked me to go back to his car and he will pull up my info on the computer. We get in his car and he ask me for my name and address. He enters it in and guess what the computer is not…
Counter point: Adrian Peterson can neither block nor catch. It will be a dead give away that it is a run play when he is in the game. Adrian Peterson is a bad fit for the Saints pass happy offense.
Why would anyone buy a new car? Heck why would anyone buy anything with less than 60,000 miles on it?
Justin Haley knows how to get the job done.
A womens program had to go because they cut baseball last year. They lose 1.9 million dollars a year.
Because they cut baseball last year so a Womens team need to go to even out the numbers. The program cost 1.9 million dollars and generated next to nothing in revenue.
The day after they won a National Title.
Shut up Clooney.