This is the only reason people try to board as early as possible.
This is the only reason people try to board as early as possible.
1st clue is he didn’t get out of his cab right away after he stopped. He knew what he was doing, and is now trying to cover it up with a weak excuse.
What if you can’t get left?
Don’t forget to add your Blinker Fluid once you find them.
She would have loved Grand Forks and North Dakota!
exactly, they cut baseball last year and need to cut a women’s sport to balance it out.
They usually don’t notify the teams. It is like firing someone, the quickest and easiest way is always better than dealing with peoples emotions.
Title IX is making it back to the women now. UND just cut their Baseball team last year to even out the numbers a womens program had to be targeted. It is a real shame because the Mens Hockey revenue could easily subsidize the woman’s program. The Men sell out the 12000 seat Ralph Engelstad Arena for nearly every…
That would be NDSU not UND
Football loses money for UND!!! Mens Hockey is the revenue generator in Grand Forks.
Mens Hockey you moron!
You are an idiot! Hockey is the big ticket in Grand Forks. Season tickets for Football run 60$ (that is total for the season not a single game), where a single game ticket at the Ralph can run up to 150 to 200 bucks depending upon the opponent.
IDK there seems to be more to the story. Everyone seated around the little kid complaining is pointing at him like he is the rightful owner.
It looks like the security guard gave it to a brat who ran down the stairs and isn’t seated anywhere near the field. Those people are the worst especially adults who run down…
So I can’t cut the honeycomb out of my Catalytic converter? Trust me once you have a cat problem it is a nice feeling knowing you guys have to pay a lot more for the same parts.
#fake news #alternative facts
Never said it was the perfect financial move. Just said 8 years on a new car isn’t that bad. It will not cost much in repair and maintenance and should be pretty reliable.
come on we all know the Washington post if fake news, and you are providing alternative facts!!
If brand new, in 8 years averaging 15000 miles a year, it translates to only 105,000 miles on it. That’s not terrible, except you are stuck with the same vehicle for 8 years.
It is entirely how it is presented, in our program we slowly introduce them to basic moves and slowly increase the intensity as the season progresses. By the end of the season the kids are not afraid of their opponent and have no problems getting in there and attacking.
It is a 392 mile journey to Emerson from Minneapolis. Somalians face harsh racism and obstacles in this area. Somalia is on Trumps list of banned countries to increase “extreme vetting”. The number of illegal border crossings have been going up significantly in the past year.