No you are feeling the pinch now because oil and ag commodity prices are down!!!
No you are feeling the pinch now because oil and ag commodity prices are down!!!
Ontario’s biggest problem is you can only buy beer at the Beer Store, you can’t buy beer after 8:00 pm, and have to pay near 40$ for a case!!!! Oh and you have to order it from a freaking menu and they roll it out from a back room.
They already have border security issues
They cross at Emerson because of the easy access to Canada. The Noyes/Emerson border crossing was shut down and all the traffic was diverted just west of there to the Pembina border crossing on Interstate 29
Yes it is, the first sign of a significant problem within your country is a class of people fleeing for a safer home. This is something to be ashamed of.
You can buy a basic code reader at wal mart for 20$
This is only a problem in Texas. They are the only state that has a separate Girls division of wrestling. I used to think it was progressive for the sport, but I am not so sure now after seeing their rules. It seems more like a system to separate girls from wrestling boys instead of creating actual opportunity.
The bigger the engine the easier it is to learn. Once mastered you can apply it to smaller vehicles. I rarely use a clutch in a manual vehicle anymore.
why would you want to work those terrible hours? I’m sorry life is too short for that crap.
It’s settled than a manual econobox junker. The only true teenage car!
Lets just get rid of this Chase nonsense all together!!!
This is one of the many reasons “the biased” media is calling Trump and his administration a bunch of amateurs. They are rushing policies through without thinking of the unforeseen impacts. Campaign promises are great but when it comes to enacting policies you have to look at the consequences for EVERYONE.
He is trying to help the auto makers and steel industry while screwing over Agriculture. We produce more grain in this country than we could ever possibly consume. While he backs out of the TPP and NAFTA our country is going to be stuck with a large amount of grain that has no place to go. Other countries will…
Never had gasket issues on that one. leaked oil about a 2 quarts every 5000 miles, but that was the only issue. never overheated it either.
#alternative facts
Easy to maintain, cheap parts, and lots of them in the junk yards for even cheaper parts.
Star for the Freedom Degrees.
my garage isn’t heated but it is insulated which helps in the extreme cold temps. I parked my 300,000 mile 98 Chevy Malibu in it every night util i sold the thing. Yes sold it, she wouldn’t die. I believe garaging it helped in the longevity of that cars life.
Yeah this argument of not warming up your car is crap. 20-30 degrees isn’t even close to cold!!!