
I believe that the fact that we've reached a point that astronauts can share videos online while in outerspace, researchers can grow human ears on the backs of rodents and Tupac performed at Coachella, but we still can't figure out how cats purr is evidence of what superior creatures cats truly are.

Got one! (Thanks, I've misplaced my paperwhite). THANK YOU!!!

Got one! (Thanks, I've misplaced my paperwhite). THANK YOU!!!

This is the most upbeat commercial I've seen today. And you don't need to act any coke to it!

It's like the cat's button got permanently stuck on post-poop mode.

Amazon Fresh actually costs an additional $200/year. It's not included with the Prime Membership.

Amazon Fresh actually costs an additional $200/year. It's not included with the Prime Membership.

I agree.

It bugs me when "Ivy League" is used as a slur, because my brother and I both got Ivy League educations, but neither of us got in because of some elitist networking.

This. While *maybe* The Colbert Report may have attracted some right wing fans who don't get sarcasm, The Daily Show is just preaching to the choir.

I feel like Jon Stewart has reached a point of realizing that "gentle jabs" and attempts to have an intelligent discussion get nowhere, so now he's just bluntly telling Huckabee why Huckabee sucks and calling him out on his shit.

Plus, I'm no forensics expert (though I do read a lot of true crime books), but doesn't a bullet tend to penetrate the skin, while a paintball would be more of a blunt force trauma?

Maybe also block out the merchant ID in the pic?

I want to feel more sympathetic, but the paintball lie makes it tougher.

I think the new U.S. Surgeon General is classifying gunshot wounds as a top health issue here.

I think of that every time I'm tempted to just give berries a quick rinse before eating them.

Technically "scores of" (vs. "by the score") can just mean "a large number".

Smiling seems to make his face's profile look longer (taller?) than we're used to seeing.

I'm laughing because I didn't know which comment I'd made that you were replying to & felt a little bad that it took me a week to notice you'd left such a supportive comment.

OMG - I was thinking "plane" as in "airplane"!

I first read your comment as "Dirt Bags from mobile homes" and thought people were upset with Jezebel for "trailer park-shaming".

What is a "meat plane"? (I never heard that before)