Have you listened to his podcast?
Have you listened to his podcast?
There’s going to need to be some big improvements in the supply chain for that.
Every time I recommend the show to someone, I warn them that the first half of the first episode can be a bit annoying, but to push through because I had the same reaction to Jonathan :-P
I feel like the finale was super anticlimactic because I kept waiting the entire season for a major revelation that was mind-blowingly fucked up and somehow it made a girl being sold to some crazy woman seem kind of predictable once they confirmed what happened.
Agreed. This sounds very similar to “Honda Sensing”, which is marketed as a safety feature to assist drivers by adjusting speed or correcting steering and doesn’t seem to garner half the buzz that Tesla’s “autopilot” does.
I read an article that said that part of his plea agreement allows his accusers to deliver victim-impact statements or have them read aloud.
“Everybody jumps ship”?
Ah well - we know we can’t control the outcome, so why bother preparing for it.
Hope for the best?
A use for my GF other than grill cheese!
Why only every other Sunday?
What kills me is the way the governor called law enforcement’s performance a “success”.
How is this different than saying “I know POC/Jews/Muslims face a lot of discrimination, which I’m not on board with, but since there are people that aren’t attracted to POC/Jews/Muslims, any POC/Jew/Muslim who might “pass” as white/Christian owes it to them to let their prejudiced ass know who they are sleeeping…
So the only reason for paying a sex worker is so other people don’t find out you used her services?
Plus, it sounds like Uber reimbursed him for whatever damages she did to his car adequately enough that he seemed satisfied.
No no - you got it all wrong. Stop blaming Trump for all of the racism.
That always confuses me too. Some phones flip the image when they record in “selfie” mode.
If it were two white people, same gender (so removing the rape accusation & going strictly off of her other atrocious behavior), if the driver said something about “Upper West Side twats” or “Hoboken bitches”, no one would be focusing on the driver’s response.
The car was stopped. She could leave at any time. He didn’t even try to stop her from asking people to call the cops - he encouraged her to get them.
Because I’m a masochist, I occasionally scope out the #MAGA & #TrumpStrong tweets to see how they’re reacting to the latest bombshell.