Fartface McButt

“You know who else was ‘Man of the Year’?”
*Crowd Cheers*
“That’s right, a little man called Hitler!”
*Bass Slaps*
“I’m just sayin’, the trains ran on time, amirite?”
*Double bass slap*
“But honestly, your children are going to die in a nuclear fire the likes of which you could never imagine. Just...The. Best.”

“Wait, I thought our party was running a witchhunt against the women who wanted it to be ‘Man of the Year.’” - Pat McCrory

“OK, now who wants it to be the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant Man of the year?”

Here’s what you’re missing though: Emmy Rossum is effectively saying, “pay me what my co-star is making, because I am now the bigger economic draw.” And she kinda is it seems like. The show can’t go on without her. That’s some serious leverage.

But you’re talking about the first season of Westworld. There’s no debate that Hopkins (or Harris) has the most cachet right now. If Westworld makes it eight years and Evan Rachel Wood’s or Thandie Newton’s characters become the main focus around which everything revolves while Hopkins’ role becomes less important,

But again, that was season one of Westworld. You don’t think it’s reasonable to update a pay structure after 8 years, so that it reflects the reality of the production? You skipped the part of the post that talks about Friends and Modern Family, I guess?

Zayn’s The Weeknd impression is excellent.

That may have been true in the beginning, but now in Season 8 it’s about the show and its audience, and how large their parts are. At this point she is clearly the central character doing most of the heavy lifting and she should get paid on par.

She should. I love this show and she’s consistently been terrific. I’ve been shocked that she’s been ignored by the Emmy’s the entire time this show has been on. She’s also begun directing episodes as well. Fiona’s the heart of this show, much more than Frank is. Frank has become one-note at this point. Fiona’s been

I feel like this is probably going to be something normal for our national tragedies: people who just don’t want to have anything to do with Trump when he comes to check in on things.

3 am Saturday Morning.

What’s the Over/Under on how long it will take for Trump to attack Professor Clark on Twitter?

Not touching the Canada thing, but I’m with you on the first part. There’s a big diff between “we couldn’t afford much, but we did what we could and provided it with love and care” and “I intentionally sabotaged a good time to teach you a lesson about how life sucks.” One is compassionate, the other one guarantees

....and for fuck’s sake, can we put to rest the idea that buying ‘too many’ presents for kids is gonna make them materialistic and shallow? Having parents with shitty values is what makes kids materialistic and shallow, not giving them too many Lego sets or whatever. The world may be fucked, but it isn’t some

“My six-year-old has been asking for a tracksuit since September.”

No kids here either. . . but I vote they get science kits from Santa to prepare them for one day inheriting an earth that has become a toxic wasteland.

No kids, but I always wondered if I could get my future kids super hyped about traveling/experiences so that for Christmas I could essentially gift them our summer vacation or some other trip that isn’t typically considered a “gift”. SANTA GOT YOU A TRIP TO CHILE AND A WINDBREAKER, WHICH YOU WILL NEED FOR SAID TRIP TO

I honestly don’t have a clue what this means...

I think there’s a way to balance it out so they receive and they give. We try not to do excessive Christmases. They are getting a Lego set and a book and a stocking. But they also participate in a huge amount of giving - we help out at the food bank and the women’s shelter. Most of the focus of the month is on how we

“There is a part of me that wants my kids to feel, at least in some relatively painless and abstract way, that the world is fucked.”