My grandboss called me in one morning to ask me what to do because Outlook was telling her inbox was full. “You have to delete some messages.” “How do I do that?” I emptied her email trash folder and cleaned up a few other folders for her.
My grandboss called me in one morning to ask me what to do because Outlook was telling her inbox was full. “You have to delete some messages.” “How do I do that?” I emptied her email trash folder and cleaned up a few other folders for her.
I’m not personally wild about religion-mandated or -suggested modesty in any form, but making any form of clothing illegal is stupid, and in this case it’s a racist political ploy.
Re: my comment about the reveal, this is basically my feeling about it:
I thought the way they “revealed” they were the same person was way too drawn out - we’ve all been 99% percent sure that William = MiB from like, episode 2, but this ep they really hit you over the head with it before Dolores finally is like “...William??”
Any Jezebel reader worth their salt knows that Bobby Finger adores Carol.
What about one for her dye job?
My Southern fiance’s parents refer to each other as “Mommy” and “Daddy” to their children, who range in age from 22 to 32. Thank God my fiance and his sibs just say “Mom” and “Dad.”
Or, in Italy, the Pope.
Ok but I am fine with putting women who hover over the toilet seat and spray everywhere on a national registry, complete with pictures, that is published and distributed for shaming purposes.
The “culturally” and “perceived” sound like a weird hedging that’s unnecessary (like, I have no idea what he means by “culturally,” maybe in celebrity culture? and he isn’t just “perceived,” he IS those things), but I do think that in the context of what he’s saying in the interview, the sentiment is totally fine.
To be fair, in the context of the article it sounds less shitty.
Yeah how about #teamfindsomeonenewthatyoudidntmeetinyourteens
That whole Life and Death Brigade outing was cringeworthy and twee AF. It was cute when they were in college, but these are thirtysomethings.
Seriously, they wanted us to think the forgetting about Paul subplot was quirky and funny but honestly, it made zero sense and just served to make Rory and Lorelai look like even bigger assholes.
She caught hell for denying Margaret’s engagement to Peter Townsend, but that was in the 1950s. She will either a) allow the marriage or b) die not too long after denying it, rendering her decision moot.
Well, luckily for Harry Prince Phillip is almost certainly very close to death.
Ohhhh that makes sense that it was her backstory.