
You should check out Shadowrun Dragonfall. But then again, why am I recommending that? I'm looking at your comments and you're complaining about all the games people recommend. Maybe you shouldn't play games if they aren't ever up to your standards? Perhaps realize that developers aren't making the games specifically

It'll probably be a lot more fun once the game is actually complete and not still in the alpha stages, they should really get more people working on it because it's going to really take 10,000 years before it's complete.
If you like Terraria you might want to check it out, and if you haven't played Terraria you should

that keeps them from venturing completely into totally unnerving Uncanny Valley territory.

Oh get over it, hasn't been that long since season 1. Half Life 3, Last Guardian, Doom, Fallout 4, etc. have been a much longer wait. It's been a little over a year since season 1, it's been 7+ fucking years for Half Life 3 -_-

It would've been fun if it had some semblance of a fun single player mode and story. A multiplayer only game is only pretty entertaining for like a month.

Well Elder Scrolls VI isn't really delayed, it's pretty much been about the same time it took for Skyrim to arrive after Oblivion. Also remember there are hundreds of employees at Bethesda, it isn't just 10 people working on all the games.

I used to think the 360 controller was the best but I'm much more fond of the PS4 controller for PC now, I love how it feels in my hands; I hope they improve the software though as the current program uses a lot of memory. I also would like games to give you the option to display Playstation buttons instead of Xbox, I

Ah yes because if a woman wears a crop top and booty shorts that must mean they're a stripper, right?! I've worn outfits almost exactly like that before, therefore that must mean I'm a stripper!!

I'm still mulling over if I want to pick up this game or not either, while it sounds fun and cool it sounds like something that I'd lose interest in pretty quickly, there are things to do but they sound pretty repetitive and same-y, though sometimes I like games that have a lot of same-y missions so I'm really not

That website brought a smile to my face, I want this game.

Nintendo really needs to get it together, Even the whole thing where if you buy a digital game it's bound to your console, not to your account, a la Sony, Microsoft, Steam, Gog.. like, literally every single other digital game service lets you access your digital games until they go bankrupt. Imagine if your Steam

Wow more Fafner? Almost forgot about that show, took them long enough for a second season ;p

Yeah I honestly wish I could afford another MacBook for having a computer on the go, they're nice machines!
I had mine since 2007 but it's video card fried out a few years ago, all the repair people I went to were like "oh yeah that'll cost like 800 bucks!" And at that point I just built a new computer for the same

Macs are marketed/designed for graphic design and general art making, they run Photoshop/Illustrator a lot better, I'd rather have a Mac for that, and I have before actually; it was much easier using those programs on a Mac than a PC.
But there hasn't been a point in their entire history where they've been the leader

I didn't even know that there was a definitive release date on PC lmao. Good news for me I suppose.

Seriously that drove me crazy with 3, and probably 4 too (still haven't played it lmao). It's the same mechanic as in Assassin's Creed, literally the exact same thing.
Just make the side crap in your games different from eachother good lord

Ah yes I remember the days when the only computer I had was a macbook, twas in a state of constant fretting wondering if a game I wanted to play was coming to mac.
Suggestion: If you want to play video games buy a PC, I had no idea how magical it would be to have almost every single game from the 90s to the present at

Wow well apparently I should be painting Amiibos 100 bucks for one that's painted? dang

I'm always so curious about the followings western games get over in Japan, is it much like the followings JRPGs get in the west?

Why teeth though, that's like the worst to find in your food to me, what if the teeth were growing from the burgers and chicken meatflesh, imagine pulling a bun off your burger and finding rows and rows of teeth *shudder/gag*