How is it being so boring?
How is it being so boring?
But white people have never experienced the same kind of oppression as black people have and never will. Throughout history they’ve always been in a position of power and imperialism. White people don’t suffer from the same kind of racism that people of color do. Which is why the “make everyone white mod” kinda rubs…
Okay RoyalDuder
Yeah someone calling a white person a cracker is really on the same level as the history of oppression, slavery, and systematic murder pocs have faced just for their skin color.
Are you okay
That’s because reverse racism doesn’t exist, bud.
Why is someone’s fantasy escapism a galaxy full of just white people and men in positions of power, though? A fantasy for escaping from all the people of color and women............?
Plus, that’s not really a fantasy, it’s already a reality in most places on Earth.
I don’t really get why this is news, typically movies in Japan have a Japanese cast. It’d be news if it was a Hollywood movie deciding to cast it entirely with Japanese people lol.
it wasn’t a good Fallout game either, though. It’s fun, but compared to 2, NV, and even 3, it’s not a good Fallout game.
Oh my god I forgot about that.
That movie was sooo bad, if I remember correctly the “demons” weren’t even demons in it. The first person sequence was pretty cool and clever though.
I would lose my mind if they did another Quake and followed in the same vein as this, here’s hoping their next game is gonna be one.
It’d be rad but at this point I’d rather them just make it so TESO, Morrowind, and Fallout 3 would run on a modern computer without having to sell your family, limbs and soul to Lord Howard.
It’s a large amount of money in terms of sales and quarterly earnings. People all talk about how “support game devs!! uwu” but bs like this can make them lose their jobs, people don’t really look at game companies and think about the employees though, they just think about the “big bad overlord” aspect.
Honestly I love Doom 3, I have a soft spot for it, it was the first of the series I played it still holds up today imo.
You get lore pickups but you can pretty much ignore them, they don’t have security codes on them or anything important to the gameplay (so far anyway).
Its so funny bc when Doom 3 came out everyone was SO PISSED at how dark it was, and now I’m seeing people upset that Doom 2016 isn’t really dark.
We’ve come full circle.
They’re probably not giving out review copies after almost everyone leaked stuff for Fallout 4 from its review copies.
But even so, Bethesda and Id Software are pretty trustworthy, even Id’s worst games are still really fun.
Because cod fans are children.
They would’ve been douchebags if they tried to sue Action Alien over it, and they didn’t even bring in lawyers. It seems ridiculous but it is the law in the US, if you want to keep a trademark you have to protect it.