
If you keep expecting a new Doom game to be an exact copy of the game from 1993 you’re going to keep getting disappointed.

I think people expect Doom to be an exact copy of the game in 1993 and that’s just never going to be the case with any sequel to an old game.
Either way I’m excited for it, it looks like my kinda fun and that’s all that really matters to me.

“They see people as people and not as a race” Yeah that’s why there are so many black anime characters right?

Yeah I can’t think of anyone else who would’ve been a good fit for this role. No idea who else, Scarlett was the only option................. no one else would work.... Right?

They could’ve easily considered a bunch of Japanese actors and actresses. Like, why didn’t they even consider Rinko Kikuchi? What’s so hard about casting poc leads? It could’ve been a breakthrough roll for some Japanese actress.

Holy shit that’s a lot of sugar.

I drink almost exclusively coke zero when I drink soda and I forget how much sugar is actually in regular soda, hoo boy.
I still want to buy a can though and then feel sick for the rest of the day after drinking it.

okay but why does generic brand water taste different than “premium” water, explain THAT!

Well I mean it is published by EA I would be surprised if they didn’t have them throw in some “trendy stuff” seeing that all the high ups are out of touch.

no one cares about anita irl

Honestly I feel bad for republicans at this point, their front runners are Ted “Zodiac” Cruz and Drumpf. And then there’s Robert Morrow

Okay but these all sound like things the zodiac killer would do as a roommate, they even called him creepy. #confirmed

to be fair I don’t really remember the game being advertised as being the dark souls of zelda games at any point in its development, so a lot of people probably went into it expecting it to be easier.

I gotta say as a trans person who knows aplenty of lgbt+ people its really not giving me much hope for our future to see how many people are disgusted about a trans person being in a video game for 5 seconds, regardless of writing quality - that’s beyond the point.
And if any of these people have ever said they support

One of the pictures looks like you’re going to be able to build solid walls and ceilings and I’m honestly so excited to build an actual house instead of a cardboard shack for my settlers.

I’m just depressed there isn’t a thread of butt puns in the comments...

Well to be fair the people who think this is censorship are just as vocal about this whole butt thing, I think they’re making a booty ordeal out of it.

this whole comment thread is embarrassing

Its so entertaining how seriously you take this lmao.
If I was bothered I would’ve stopped replying a long time ago, but you can keep telling yourself that I am.
And being dumb is pretty chill! You should try it sometime. But I’m sure your super busy being intelligent on the internet.

You put a lot of thought into something so insignificant, maybe you should go outside for a few minutes, take a nap, relax. I mean, If I were an “intelligent” person - like you say you are - that’s what I’d do instead of making a burner account on a gawker site.
It’s gotta be so exhausting to desperately try to get

Likewise, I lost interest around when Fallout came out, maybe I’ll come back to it when they have a plethora of content again or just wait for the 2nd game. In the meantime being free of its clutches to finish other games has been nice.