
If we've learned anything on Deadspin today, it's that Jeremy Lamb just loves seeing things hanging.

More sports should be filmed like old kung-fu movies.

That's so sweet

In order to run the clock down to 20-25 seconds to deny NE a better chance for a drive, Seattle sacrificed the ability to run the ball 3 times if needed. They only had one TO left remember. So that means 2 runs and 1 pass. I think that's an acceptable trade off versus giving Brady more time.

it's like the Pats knew what Seattle was going to call.

Give Seattle credit. As the defending champion heel, they tried to get DQ'd at the end and keep the title belt. Flair would be proud.

Oh how Meatwad has fallen. They're just taking cue's from Missy Elliot - "its your flipinyerflnaghyat"

I don't think you know what Social Anxiety Disorder is.

This isn't exactly a substitute for Bear Friday, because koalas aren't actually bears, but I thought this lil' guy was cute as hell.

While we're at it, I'd like to shoot the messenger some more.

As someone who lives near the epicenter of the current measles outbreak (Disneyland), the anti-vaxxers (and there are a lot of them here) drive me insane. What kind of selfish, self-centered douchebag is willing to risk the well-being of their child and the well-being of everyone else because you're not smart enough

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

Man I've never wanted to inject someone with smallpox SO MUCH.

I met a guy today who's been crippled (I'm not sure what the proper term is) for 60 years because of polio. He can walk, but with great difficulty. Screw this doctor.

I think if someone in the media says something like this there should be some form of retribution for being wrong. Like we should bring the stockades back solely for this purpose.

Looks just like Milo in THE MASK after he puts the mask on

Yep, I'm as good as fired.