Well said! He puts out some great stuff on his website.
Well said! He puts out some great stuff on his website.
Well stated, especially this: "If you are constantly marginalized as a human, I'd imagine it would become ever-easier to accept such casualties as a way of life."
Another great piece. Thanks for sharing!
He's a PT geriatric, babayyyy!!
He's matured a lot this season, surprisingly under Crean.
"First world problems? Are those things that a handkerchief can clean?" - Tyler and the Douche
Helen Keller got it right: https://mobile.twitter.com/The_HelenKelle…
"Instant karma's gonna get you..."
I was so proud of myself after finding this on Netflix. By far the best gem I've watched on it, and easily in my top favorite movies.
Every time I see someone do this while jogging, biking of roller blading or walking a dog or just being a jackass on the trail I want to punch them in the face. The best is when they are texting while listing to the blaring music, and then trip. I've had the honor of seeing this happen three times in the last four…
Let the boys be boys!
It took me probably a whole summer to master these. For those that love potato salad these are perfect for making it, too.
What the fuck did he eat, Pacman??!
There was a really small scene when he was ironing his shirt and watching TV. Some commercial came on and he just randomly looked at the wall and started laughing. I don't know why exactly, but I freakin' cracked up laughing and thought it was brilliant. Most sane people probably didn't catch it (I was the only one…
Off topic but I couldn't find anything in your history on the topic, and really wanted to read your thoughts! Do you think Jake got robbed for not getting a nom for Nightcrawler?
I just posted the same thing. So happy to see I'm not alone with this.
I thought JG would get a nomination for Nightcrawler. His performance was phenomenal, and possibly his best.
Poodue really had to rub it in after beating IU.
Yes! Just commented on how much a certain scene with Emma Stone almost took me out of my seat. Amazing work.