
It wasn’t in competition, but Jeffrey Epstein’s done 6012s.

So when KD uses burners to pump up his image, it’s lame. And when he doesn’t blame anyone else for a career setback, it’s also lame.

He’s been giving him boxing lesson since he was in utero

ეს არ არის ჩემი ბრალი!


I’m not buying this statement. I don’t see Belichick’s signature or Brady’s paw print on it.

Vince em

The Stugotz is strong in him

Ranking of writers who deep down hate their readers and secretly are trying to punish them:

What is the opposite of tremendous content?

Would have taken him less time to rank all his Any Given Wednesday episodes.

Man, could you imagine how many games he’d miss in a 162 game season?

But his shoes...

hopefully this inspires one of them to hit a broke-backing rim-job god damn this joke is so bad i’ll stop now

Did they pay you to come on?

The Yankees Are Struggling To Put Butts In Seats

It’s hard to think up a less meaningful pre-draft story than this.

Sleeper pick

I had the right intentions in my mind, but I had the wrong intentions come out of my mouth. I take full responsibility for that as the leader of the team.