Trump has been committing impeachable offenses since before he was even elected.
Trump has been committing impeachable offenses since before he was even elected.
A better question would be when and why did we stop trying to make infrastructural things look nice. Go back a hundred years or so, and everything had design touches and artwork worked right into it. If they were making machinery or buildings, then dammit it had to look glorious as well as being functional. Somewhere…
Give it a few days before some one in the right wing says that Greta is just a crisis actor that is just paying a part paid for by Soros and shows proof that includes a picture of the sandyhook shooting that contains someone that looks slightly like her if you squint a little.
Them: “Think of the children!”
N0 matter how one slices it, Oct 2020-Nov 2020 is going to be an ugly time period in American life. I don’t say that casually.
It’s not so much him I’m worried about but the senate and SCOTUS who will bend over backwards to invalidate the election results if they don’t go their way.
These are all trial balloons, folks. When he gets skunked in November 2020, he will not leave and claim that the 1. the election was rigged and 2. there is no power to actually remove him.
A secret service guy left it on the hotel dresser for the cleaning staff, and Donald saw it, and took it.
That which is dead may never die.
That is all of the money Trump was saying that the Saudis would pay him to attack Iran.
First words out of her mouth as she exited the parked car were, “Is the rim ruined?”
I bet the husband was thrilled...
Oh, him we don’t want to punch. Him we want to execute, quickly and quietly and without fuss. Mnuchin annoys me; Miller frightens me, in a deep-down, visceral, “this thing has to be a space alien in disguise, get it off the planet right now before its friends arrive” kinda way.
See, this is one of the times I suspect you’re actually being serious. I think Bolton’s over-the-top warmongering (“Yeah, John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him he’d take on the whole world at one time, okay?” -Big Donnie T himself) is just that distrusted across the political spectrum. The money…
How can a career grifter be so terrible at coverups? Between this and the shifting story about why Pence is at Donny’s hotel, it’s like he and his team aren’t even trying.