At some point pictures or videos or something will come out about Mike Johnson in some weird compromising situation/position. Leather, cosplay, peanut butter, fezzes, and light sabers, etc.
At some point pictures or videos or something will come out about Mike Johnson in some weird compromising situation/position. Leather, cosplay, peanut butter, fezzes, and light sabers, etc.
Mankind has not yet invented the device that can measure my total and utter indifference to this nuptial event. But hey, mazel tov!
just the manifestation of a 52-year-old, serially divorced billionaire’s midlife crisis
CBD bonbons are a helluva thing.
If we’re referring to Alito as Justice Snowflake, can we refer to Kavanaugh as Justice Shifty F**k?
So, [Depp is] an excellent actor
I swear -- this should be available on t-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, etc.
Why not try getting something done for ALL Iowans
Ted Cruz is totally what loitering munitions are made for.
It really does look like poor people’s idea of how the rich live — the cheap-tacky just radiates off the screen.
I’d almost pay for one if I’d get to call him out on cheating.
I first saw this in a bar with a bunch of other people and it freaked me out then. Thanks for re-freaking me out =:o Biological horror at its finest.
I’ve heard the opposite — the local Shoppers where I live recently closed, their parent is supposedly divesting themselves of retail.
To be fair, I am rubbing my hands together at the prospect of icing down a case of beer so I can go take a good old piss on Trump’s grave.
What I would like from his supporters is an explanation of what the ever-loving fuck is going on in that Sauvage commercial? So weird, so creepy.
So utterly on-point: MAGA/Republicans view themselves as perpetual hostages to or prisoners of lord only knows how many imagined slights, injustices, and/or demented conspiracies, when in fact it’s the rest of us that are held hostage to their insanity as the world burns.
fixed the lede for ya.
A tossup between: