he’s been the face of this cologne for well over a year. why are people just getting upset now? I’ve had to stare at this fucker’s face at bus stops for months. it looks like an advertisement for whiskey sweats and domestic abuse.
he’s been the face of this cologne for well over a year. why are people just getting upset now? I’ve had to stare at this fucker’s face at bus stops for months. it looks like an advertisement for whiskey sweats and domestic abuse.
Jean Claude Van DHL
If only this guy had a fitbit and an Apple watch,the Trump administration could have prevented this shooting.
Quick, everyone! Send your thoughts and prayers! It’s the only way to stop this!!
And countdown to the gunhumpers going “They’re using cars but no one is saying ban cars!”...
At this point Splinter should just have a permanent general “Active Shooter [UPDATING]” article that they can just update appropriately when the inevitable next situation arises
A: How are you spending the long weekend?
And so begins yet another round of the American pastime, where all sides of the political spectrum await the identity of the shooters, so that everyone can argue that their identity had either everything or nothing to do with the shooting, as applicable.
The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun in a postal truck is a good guy with a gun in a... FedEx truck?
Counterpoint: Jared Kushner.
“and if she was so upset that he won, why did she work for him? I don’t understand that part.”
oh believe me. I know. it’s going to be a total shitshow.
If you are in the US this is not something to take lightly. The UK remain the largest direct investors in the US. They are our closest ally. Their weakening weakens us. Their leaving of the EU will weaken the EU, also close allies. It will damage transatlantic trade. It will hurt the world economy. It could end…
It’s a slippery slope...
because fuck the world and fuck being a “good neighbor” these are the same assholes that park in handicapped spots.
Not only is he injured with rehab that isn’t going well, but he’s basically spent half of his NFL career rehabbing and in a constant, never ending variety of pain. He’s been poked, prodded, had numerous fluids drawn out and shoved into him, all to play a sport that will only (likely) reinjure him in some new…
Teams cut players two weeks before the season. Why should it be a one-way street?
The fact that the NFL has made itself into a weekly orgy of vaguely fashy American nationalism can only hurt the popularity of the sport outside the US.
Also, he plays for a team with a demented goober billionaire owner on more narcotics than an entire bus of Merry Pranksters who spent years staffing an offensive line of folding chairs while Luck earned a medical degree by observing his shoulder reconstruction. Destroying your body for those fans? How many years can…