Exactly how high are you right now?
Exactly how high are you right now?
We’ve already arrived at the jokey part of this administration. “Oh, that Donald, what a scamp, running around with porn ladies!”
The dickweeds who fought tooth-and-nail to keep me from being able to legally marry my partner are the same Bible-thumpers who are now excusing Trump’s NUMEROUS philanderings as, “It…
“They’re different from me and that terrifies me!”
What about “ipso facto tyrannasaurus rex sic fidelis quid pro quo mamamia that’s a spicy meatball?”
I’m thinking more “Burn After Reading”
After the interview, Emmett Flood said “actually, nevermind!”
The President’s lawyer just admitted on national television that his client obstructed justice.
So, Trump is going to tweet in a few hours that Giuliani has never been his lawyer and he barely knows him, amirite?
I love when people take the time to write that they don’t have the time to write about something.
It’s all a game to these people. Cillizza views Trump and his Goon Squad the same way the Pelicans view the Warriors. Sure, they’re the opponent for a little while, but after it’s all over we should be cordial.
Someone should remind Maggie Haberman that her newspaper was singlehandedly responsible for disseminating, with none of the fact checking that they were supposed to do, all of the propaganda that brought us into a war with Iraq and cost a half a million Iraqi lives. For the mouthpiece of Judith Miller’s former…
This is incredibly sad and makes me depressed for the future of humanity. I think it’s just that the whiners of the world have found something to unite around.
The worst thing about the internet is connecting people like these.
Actually half his supporters wouldn’t even know about it since Fox would give it maybe 10 seconds of coverage before “Let’s move on to this latest news about Hillary’s emails”.
Even if undeniable evidence came out that 45 himself actually performed the abortion on a love-fetus from an affair and consumed it with a bucket of fried chicken, half of his supporters would scream FAKE NEWS and the other half would find some contorted rationalization that he’s still the one that Gawd and Jeebus…
Um, she already was doing everything you suggested? Planning activities, initiating sex/creating romance (whatever that means) and his response is defensiveness, disinterest, and insults. This guy is a walking red flag.
Meghan McCain is a sausage casing filled with bile and rancid potatoes. I take her about as seriously as Carrot Top.