
Not only that, the piece itself had to weigh a ton what with all the shredding apparatus concealed behind the frame. There’s no way Sotheby’s (and the “buyer”) wasn’t fully in on this bit of heavy-handed nonsense.

So, so *so* much this. Banksy is a corporate hack and this is just yet another example of his vapid nonsense which we all got tired of a month into knowing about him.

Did the buyer get a shitload of unwarranted press about this, increasing the value of that object to the buyer? Can the buyer display this somewhere, to the envy of all the other loathsome robber-baron industrialists like, as the saying goes, a “huge middle finger to everyone who enters [that buyer’s] home?

Basically on the Left, especially Corbyn’s area of the Left, Israel-Palestine has been a major issue for decades now with them as firmly pro-Palestinian as the US is firmly pro-Israel. It’s only a fringe who are that pro-Palestinian, but at the same time this is a pretty well known issue in UK politics as a whole

That second paragraph is totally and entirely your opinion. Unless you’re now dictating how we should all act, feel and live that is. We’re free to judge him for his actions and look. All part of that free speech thing people cry about.

plenty of people’s parents die at a young age and they don’t go on to abuse children but thanks for coming out!!! 

I think this is a mischaracterization of the concerns of the complaining parents. I don’t think most of them would object to bringing in underperforming minority students into their schools if it meant that their white children could remain in their chosen neighborhood school. But because space is limited, roping off

The only one that looks good in that KKwhatever picture is MJ. And it has nothing to do with the makeup, she’s just the only normal looking person in the shot (MJ is a keeper, the rest of them can be sucked back into hell where they came from).

I feel like today is the first shot across the bow for a coming war.

Let’s see, what kind of food would you attribute to the author of the so called Torture Memos? Maybe something more....Asian?

Huh. I could’ve sworn my ex-wife broke that glass ceiling years ago.... #trytheveal

I’m guessing it has to do with where the money is going. 14.5m to the Archdiocese, vs. 15.5m to the Nuns. With the latter, my guess is that they’d fund their new quarters; the former...rely on handouts from the Archdiocese with whom they are clearly on bad footing.

This whole damn comments section:

I never said the Hasidism were perfect and blameless. Some of them are terrible people! But if little white gentrifiers from California want to complain about them, they can fuck off.

But @hocuspocus - what can we do so that we can ALL discuss intersectionality together? I spent time as a graduate student purposely looking into intersectionality, social stratification, and African history because I’m passionate about it. Some of the comments are honestly so upsetting to me. I’m trying to speak

Wait, how is claiming that Jews will either convert or go to Hell not antisemitic? Such a worldview necessarily precludes any validity to the Jewish religion.

White women are rightfully held accountable for racism and bias despite their history and struggles; theres no reason black women can’t do the same when witness to bias against another minority. It’s not OK to support an anti-semite any more than it’s ok to support a racist. Period.

I’m Jewish and it’s been painful to watch not just Mallory, but all the women’s march leaders to twist themselves into pretzels to not condemn Farrakhan.

Me, broke: antisemitism is bad

Funny how Trump was immediately deemed guilty by association without even interacting with the contemptible persons who endorsed his movement. Here we have somebody actively patronizing an explicitly anti-Semitic movement, but “it’s complicated”....