
This was my only takeaway from this whole mess.  What in the fuck?

I know she opened them because for professional emails, I use a tracking service, which shows how often they were opened; the service showed that Duca viewed every email multiple times from her iPhone, her Gmail account, and another mail client.

How to turn off image display in Gmail to prevent the sort of tracking shown in this article:

Did you just write a 4,500 word story about how a young woman who has become a figurehead for the resistance for other young women once wrote some bitchy anonymous emails when she was 23?

they should’ve gotten liza minnelli to do it

I’m confused as to how wearing body enhancements to portray a character is suddenly forbidden. Wearing a fake nose as an actor has been standard for centuries. Orson Welles never played a role on stage or onscreen without one. Nicole Kidman adopted a famous one for The Hours. I don’t understand the complaint about fat

Doesn’t a lot of body positivity rhetoric take the “retro” perspective that “your ____ is beautiful!” which still presents beauty as the paramount goal of a woman’s body?

“feminine currency” This, exactly this. And it all relates to men, and to what we think men want, and what men will stick around for. Please god, let women break free from this prison. Let us know and honour our worth free from the desires and agendas of men. What men want, or are hung up on, or demand, or feel

I just don’t see what you see in these post partum photos. They DO normalize that pregnancy and childbirth can have lasting effects on women’s bodies and it’s ok with experience that. It’s better than pretending a woman is supposed to bounce back within X weeks or she’s a failure/whale, which has been the prevailing

Criticizing Israel is not anti-zionist.  Anti-zionism is being opposed to the creation and ongoing existince of the state of Israel.  By your logic, opposing the Trump government makes one automatically anti-American.

You cannot simply

Are you against the government of Israel or against the state of Israel’s existence? I think if it’s the latter you’re a little more than just anti-Zionist.

Being anti-Zionist is often how people on the left of the political spectrum, express antisemitism. This happened especially in the 70s in socialist or communist circles in Europe and America, well before some antisemities on the left were able to use the Palestinian cause as a convenient cover.

Because, as the lede says— as the entire blog literally says — Alice Walker made news yesterday for citing him in her favorite books. Again. There’s no particular reason to write about David Icke’s claims on their own — nothing much has changed — but the fact that she once again cited him is news. I also wrote this

Is no one going to note that Walker also started the New York Times interview by praising Somali Mam’s memoir “The Road of Lost Innocence: The True Story of a Cambodian Heroine”, which a Newsweek investigation revealed contained fabrications, resulting in Mam having to resign from her own foundation?

Where are the Reasonabilists when you need them? Zorp would have this straightened out in no time. Of course, he’d do that by using his volcano mouth to incinerate all of us, but still!

So she wants it both ways. So if someone likes Trump’s economic policies but not his bigotry, we should respect that. GTFO with your shit. 

If this was any other minority group, Jezebel would not be leaving it to non-members of that group to decide what is and isn’t bigoted or harmful. Why are Jews the only group that everyone else is allowed to decide whether or not to take us seriously?

Why are you assuming this is the case? Or is anti-semitism an explicitly leftist view? I for one don’t care how relevant he is to the left - I care that the leaders of the group I have and want to continue joining in fighting this administration can’t bring themselves to say that any person who calls people like me