
I immediately stopped reading and double-read to make sure this wasn’t some weird satire article when it began by accusing Duca of being harassing and shitty via email and then went on right afterwards to say they had written her 6 times already and she had opened them!!! That compiled with the very high examples of

1. I think that simply acknowledging the social ideal, ie the pre-baby body, does not disqualify the aim as not revolutionary or progressive. I do not see how you cannot acknowledge the current ideal and be revolutionary. Being revolutionary requires you identify the institutional/structural issue that you want to

highly amused that the flyby comment about being old and getting weird stuff from the internet is getting such flak. I am gonna make the assumption that jezebel readers might be olds.

you are publishing hacked emails. wtf 

Don’t be sad about the ice. It had a nice life. 

Incorrectomundo. There’s been rules about it for over fifty years explicitly and it’s been a long time thing and it was an issue and discussed as such even in the middle ages.

Who is this Rita Ora?

What’s going on there with Jeremy Corbyn and the claims of antisemitism? I see a lot about it over here, but I don’t know what’s the climate like actually on the ground

are  you okay?

omg, imagine spending a kajillion bucks to live in an area that you know will be good for your kids education and then that education system tell you too bad might not happen. how dare they get upset

I never really got the whole au pair thing. Like you think this person is going to actually be a good nanny even though they are literally not a nanny and just a twenty-something young person? Really? In my experience, most people who hire au pairs are not great in terms of judgement and so you get a bunch of this bs

You’re such a fun troll

Cause she isn’t Native American

Tmk, he’s one of those libertarian guys. So in general, less government involvement whenever. From a liberal perspective, it’d be better to have a Justice that doesn’t support both D and R interventionism than a Justice who not only gets rid of D interventionism, but allows R interventionism.

Likely complicit? He’s admitted his words helped bring on Malcom X’s death!

You do know that only 60% of Israelis are Jews, right? You do know that Jews don’t only live in Israel, right? Some of them even walk among you! I mean, my G-d, sometimes it is possible to talk about antisemitism and the Jews without mentioning the I/P conflict.

On the fringes of the right, we’re not white and on the fringes of the left, we are. The reasoning is the same: to exclude our voices.

Oh no!!!!! IT’S THE (((AGENDA)))!!! Guess what: bigotry of all kinds is shitty and if a nation of dumbasses decides to be dumbasses and not condemn one kind of bigotry that is not an excuse to dismiss reasonable claims against another kind of bigotry. Hate sucks and maybe the only (((agenda))) us Jews have is the same

If it’s all right with you, can I ask about your Anti-Zionism? To me the second definition you give is not based in a intellectual or historical understanding of the word Zionism. While there were definitely religious Zionists, like Martin Buber, the father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, and the Zionist movement seemed