
You do you, but your claim is factually untrue. Most diaspora Jews, including American Jews are happily Zionist.

Is there some goyishe rule that requires you to mention I/P conflict whenever antisemitism is brought up?

Oh no, look out for The (((Zionist))) Agenda!!! Those pesky Zionists believing that the JEWS have a right to self-determine and create a homeland just because everywhere else in the world groups and governments try to kill or oppress them!!! Nasty Zionists!!!

The mention of Al Sharpton is absolutely tone-deaf.

These are not at all fact checking what they’re saying lol

Tangential: why did you get four bachelor’s degrees

This is a really stupid question, I apologize in advance. Can someone please explain why this is a big deal? My dumb ass thinking goes like, if you’re able to do one quad successfully why can’t you do many more in a row? Like is it just a bunch of energy to perform one, so people get tired out? Please someone explain

Just because you went to college does not mean you’re educated.

Agreed. Do I feel bad when awful things happen to you? Of course, but that is no reason nor excuse to rape a thirteen year old. Like having shit happen to you is not a reason for you to use our free will to be a fucker

Well, Brigitte Bardot is not really helping

Germaine Greer level of stupidity opinion (I’m sorry if you are reading this): Men and women have different sexual psyches. The guys’ psyche is essentially, “even if I don’t wanna fuck right now, push the right buttons and yes let’s fuck!” Women’s psyche is much more of a spectrum of grey. It’s important for 1) men to

She’s not just criticizing the Israeli government. She is supporting the destruction of the Israeli state. Big difference.

I think there is a big difference in criticism of Israeli policies and being anti-Israel. One combats abuses and seeks to stop them. the other asks for the elimination of a state that was brought about by Zionism — the belief that the Jews, like every other people on Earth (including Palestinians), have the right to

Zionism has many facets. These include total religious Zionism, religious political Zionism, and secular political Zionism.

Out of curiosity, where do you want the colonizers to go? If the land returns back to the indigenous people are you going to keep calling it Palestine, a name chosen by older colonizers that kicked out and oppressed the colonizers of today?

Why is the “anti-Israel” in quotations? They’re literally the very definition of “anti-Israel”. She hopes for the end of Israel. The sarcastic scare-quotes say something to me about you.

It’s because he is receding

Could be wrong, but I think you messed up the case. I believe it should be in nominative singular: polezniy durak

I apologize in advance for my dumbass question. I always thought that Anarchism was a far-right movement because it was the champion of absolute individual liberty, a la von Mises and Nock. Is this incorrect? Please explain to this fool gently.

Is this article a joke? Is this self-referential satire?