
The sex in porn is real. It has all of the same ramifications that it would have if the camera wasn’t rolling. A urinary tract infection, or an anal fissure isn’t any less real because it was incurred on film.

This is a shoddy argument when applied to porn. The graphic violence in horror films isn’t real violence. The economically etc. coerced “sex” in porn is real.

Fun fact LA is having a historic hep A outbreak centered around the homeless populations on Hollywood Blvd, Skid Row, the beaches, et al!

Now playing

Every time I see Wayne La Pierre, I can’t help but laugh and think about the bit that George Carlin did on him and the NRA.

This is an absurd statement to make.

Wrists and the wan look of a woman recently widowed, who has dulled her sorrows with laudanum.

I can’t believe anyone is calling this human ‘idol,’ regardless of her side eye skills.

No actress works continuously for over 40 years without being a consummate professional when it matters.

SATC was a terrible show about terrible people that was lauded for being feminist while containing tropes that were sexist AF even by the standards of the era in which it was created. So I’m on Catrall’s side purely on the basis of “does not want a third movie made” to begin with.

To all those who will scoff at actions like Pelosi’s, and accuse the Democrats in Congress of lacking the will to pursue progressive goals, this is what it’s like when you are the minority party in the House and Senate, and have a Republican (???) president and a conservative judiciary. You do what you can to win

“Let’s name our baby after that actress who fucked the president.”

Sorry, my bad, Stormy the “porn star that he paid hush money to”.

Guys, between this and her defense of her fiance Offset’s homophobia (“the schools don’t teach us what these words mean!”), I’m beginning to think that Cardi B might not be very bright. Just a hunch.

Wait, we’re not going to discuss the fact that she named the baby after the whore Trump went to?

It’s a terrible, terrible name and I’m judging her HARD (as hard as anyone can who doesn’t have her wealth, fame, etc.)

Re Kylie, is no one making Stormi Daniels jokes?? That’s the first thing I thought of, in light of recent news, not the damn weather!

Timberlake and Fallon are, like, an object lesson in how Hollywood will take anything that is kind of charming and drive it into the ground until you not only hate it, you hate yourself for ever having liked it.

The full Prince quote is:

Jesus Christ, Fallon sucks more dick than me at Mardi Gras