
I’m sort of with you here - I’m betting there are a ton more teens who identified with the “she wears high heels, I wear sneakers, she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers” lyric than would necessarily think of themselves as gender non-conforming. Our cultural images of “masculine” and “feminine” are narrowing

Are they possibly not getting the message that you absolutely can be female without being a stereotype?

27% of teens in CA sounds high.

“A study from December of last year found that 27 percent of California teenagers reported that they were viewed as gender-nonconforming.”

honestly, i thought it was remarkably offensive in a very math is hard! sort of way.

This sketch was wishy-washy bullshit. I hated it. “Oh it’s so hard to talk about!” No, it’s really easy, actually. What’s hard is that men tend to get called assholes and that, apparently, is far worse than the sexual assault that masquerades as dating for, well, most women at one point or another in their lives. I’m

Grosser still, Mayella falsely accused a man she was propositioning. So I guess 7 yr old Dylan was trying to seduce her dad and made up the molestation story when she got caught?

Jesse Eisenberg. The “thinking man’s”* Michael Cera.

If this is the end of Woody Allen (finally; please god), it should also be the end of Alec Baldwin and any other of Allen’s myriad apologists. Fuck all of them.

Jews, as an ethnic group, are all related to one another and can be genetically traced to an ancient Israeli population from the Levant.

Jews aren’t settlers and colonizers though. They are an INDIGENOUS people of the Levant. Comparing them to Americans is dishonest.

Wait a minute, Gal Gadot is Israeli; of course she is pro her own country and it is a legal requirement for every Israeli citizen to serve in the military. You are being deliberately disingenuous and obtuse by acting like those are war crimes.

You’d be surprised that I even know the difference between an ethnicity and a religion.

You mean, the only democratic society in the region who doesn’t stone women for showing their faces in public? Sorry some people support that sort of behavior.

I know, right? How, exactly, are those women different from the Duggar-like Christian women who claim that dressing modestly “empowers” them because it prevents males from objectifying them?

Some women promote genital mutilation, other women perform that mutilation. Many other women marry their daughters off to old men in arranged marriages.

In essence, being a woman who does something of her own free will doesn’t fully exonerate that practice from patriarchy. It could simply mean that you have

What no one ever remembers is that Operation Protective Edge was launched because the Palestinians in Gaza had built tunnels from Gaza to locaions under synagogues in Israel, and were planning to storm those synagogues en masse come the next Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and murder as many civilians as they could.

It’s not just countries like Pakistan and Iran it’s also right here in Europe. In several neighbourhoods in France for instance, girls and women of Arab descent (not going to call them Muslim because some of them are not religious) who don’t wear a headscarf/hijab get catcalled or shamed or harassed by their

I guess I just don’t understand why in this day and age, people aren’t being vetted more carefully and having their internet histories checked before contracts are signed and press releases put out. I am really not mad at what she said, but I see the issue for someone representing a global company. Like, come on, this

I don’t know. Calling a state child murderers and illegal would definitely see her asked to step aside regardless if it was Arab or not. At least in Europe much of the population is definitely more sympathetic towards Arabs such as Palestine than Israel these days.